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Besides being highly immoral and unethical within the context of the current state of wildlife decline globally, there is no reason to use captive animals as "bait". Lire davantage

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This is a cruel and inhumane practice. Please do not house wild animals as bait for training exercises.

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Barbaric! Even Great Britain has banned fox hunting. Animals are not here for humans to threaten, frighten, chase or torture. This is not sport, but cruelty.

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This has to be one of the WORST ideas that has come out of this government and yes…there’s been plenty. Lire davantage

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This obscenity of using wildlife to train hunting dogs is ridiculous.What brilliant mind thought that this was okay?I have never heard of this before,but I am glad I was informed.How cruel and inhumane!!!You all should be ashamed and resign your positions as incompetence is running rampant.

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Come on Ontario, you're better than this. Using wildlife to train hunting dogs is primitive barbaric behaviour and shouldn't be happening in the 21st Century.

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These penned-in dog facilities are barbaric and should be banned outright. I am disgusted by the blatant cruelty to animals, both as predators and victims. Another example of a rash, backwards-thinking proposal by Ontario. Violent, medieval, and unethical.

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I object in the strongest possible terms to this proposal: it is barbaric barbaric barbaric.

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Hello, I was surprised that this exists. I think that this is a very barbaric thing to do to an animal (foxes, coyotes). I am embarrassed that this type of enterprise is allowed, let alone encouraged in our province. Lire davantage

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This practice is babaric and unneccessary. There is no need to put an animal into this high stress situation to be hunted by a dog. Hunters should go out and find their own game without dog finding them for them. Or go to the store an purchase ethically sourced meet for consumption. Lire davantage

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This is so upsetting g and truly barbaric. To have wildlife torn apart for training. Has it come to this. There are more avenues and solutions to explore instead of implementing this sick idea.

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The Ford Government needs to ban these training compounds permanently, full stop. This is a heinous and barbaric practice that exposes wildlife to a high risk of injury and death. What happens when the bait animals are run down from exhaustion frantically searching for an escape route. Lire davantage

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I do not support the proposal to allow for the issuance of licenses for new dog train and trial areas and the transfer of licenses. This is barbaric and violent and disturbing that the Ontario government would even consider this change. These facilities need to be abolished. Lire davantage

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It’s unbelievable that these facilities still actually exist and Ontario citizens would not support growth in this barbaric hunting modality. It may be fun and games for those humans who have nothing better to do with their lives than manipulate and torture animals for their own entertainment. Lire davantage

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I am outraged by the use of captured wild animals to be used for training hunting dogs. This is cruel to the glorious animals that are wild and "supposedly" free. People can always train dogs to hunt by using decoy traning, which doesn't kill anything! Lire davantage

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This truly disgusting that the Ontario government would cruelly Reverse the Ban on Penned Dog Hunting. Pease do the right and decent thing

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- this is a barbaric practice in this day and age not needed to scent train a hunting dog - pheromones and decoys are as effective - in the UK the barbaric principle of fox hunts was changed because of wildlife welfare and decoys are used - in the EU this is against the law Lire davantage

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Wildlife should never be used as bait to train dogs to hunt or for any other purpose!!!

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Dear Public Input Coordinator, I would like to express my opposition to the creation of new 'train and trial' facilities, with special regard for how it facilitates the highly unethical and cruel act of 'hunting dog competitions.' Lire davantage

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It’s unnecessary cruelty and a lazy practice used more for human entertainment. Hunting dogs can be trained by other means and exercised year round the way all other dogs are exercised. I’m not against sustainable hunting but this is almost as low brow as dog fighting. Lire davantage