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This proposal is so inhumane and ridiculous. Wild animals relegated to captivity are already living a life that is unnatural and cruel. To then use them as bait is beyond the pale. Lire davantage

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This is an inhumane practice and the government should not even allow this to happen in the first place. This is not nature, the animals don't have a fair chance like they would in the wild. It's 2023, you can do better. I'm opposed to this proposal

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I strongly oppose the Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry ‘s support of hunter’s Train and Trial facilities by licensing them. They should be shutting them down. It is not humane to take wildlife from their natural habitat and use them for live bait training. Lire davantage

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There is no longer a need to use dog train and trial areas to perpetuate the barbaric practice of killing caged animals for 'sport.' Ontario should not be issuing new licences for this--It is inhumane to use rabbits, coyotes, and foxes as bait to train dogs. Lire davantage

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Doug Ford and his Conservative Government have hit a new low. Pandering to hunters and tabling animal abuse as acceptable in Ontario only highlights a collective Conservative lack of conscience. Stop the insanity.

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I firmly reject the Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry’s proposal to allow new licenses and the transfer of licenses for train and trial areas in Ontario. Penned dog hunting facilities are cruel to the wild animals that are subjected to various methods used to train dogs to hunt. Lire davantage

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I find the expansion of this type of hunting not in the best interest of the wildlife of Ontario. The fact that coyotes and foxes will be bred to train hunting dogs to find and kill these animals is doubly offensive and regressive. Lire davantage

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DANGEROUS TO PEOPLE: This practice directly increases the risk of human exposure to serious diseases such as Tularaemia, Leptospirosis, Baylisascaris and Echinococcus to name a few. Lire davantage

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Unethical, encouraging disrespect and violence. Please reconsider, we should not encourage this abuse. Consider what is being proposed. SPEAK FOR THOSE WHO CAN'T SPEAK FOR THEMSELVES!

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I strongly oppose the Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry’s proposal to allow new licenses, and the transfer of existing licenses, for dog train and trial areas in Ontario. This proposal is cruel, inhumane and a step backwards for our province.

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Please do not allow this. Animals should not be used for sport to kill. There is absolutely NO reason why the government should endorse this abuse and barbaric treatment of any animal. Please rethink this and show that you have evolved to respect life. Lire davantage

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This is absolutely disgusting, cruel & so unnecessary. It is truly sad & disappointing that anyone would even consider to capture wildlife, put them in an enclosure so they can be attacked & killed. Lire davantage

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I strongly oppose this horrid proposal. It is time for Canada to be a leader in becoming a compassionate nation, implementing practices harmonious with nature and wildlife, and stopping the unnecessary trapping, killing, and torture of these sentient beings. Thank you.

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Absolutley ridiculous. This is nothing but a concentration camp. In this day and age this absurd treatment makes no sense. It can be trained in the wild if needed. Lire davantage

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I don't understand how this is even allowed! Who in their right mind could support such archaic cruelty to animals!!!! No animal should ever be used as bait - period! I am disgusted that this is allowed in our country! Please cease all live baiting in Ontario. We are not barbarians.

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Thank you for providing this information. This is a very forward thinking idea to regulate these kinds of facilities. I looks to us that you are doing a great job in this legislation to balance wildlife and human interaction in training dogs.

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There is no difference between this dog baiting and baiting with other dogs. This is absolutely not justified cruelty. Dogs can be trained to hunt without baiting them with captive animals. I urge you to reconsider this. I thought this proposal was a Beaverton article mocking government cruelty. Lire davantage

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This is a garbage proposal that is not befitting of modern Canadian values of equality & compassion. It is inhumane and unconscionable. We should be looking for ways to close down the existing 24 facilities, not create more! This is shameful.

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This is one of the most disturbing things our government has proposed, the killing of innocent animals to train dogs to kill, hunting dogs or not. Not one person I have mentioned this to has agreed with your policy, so I hope you stop this offensive idea before it gets started Lire davantage

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This is morally reprehensible, and no sane government should consider it for a moment. Extant facilities should be closed, not have this expanded. This is repugnant, obscene, and immoral.