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Paterson Group Inc.

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Paterson Group Inc. has prepared the attached letter in response to the proposed pause of the excess soil requirements. Paterson’s position is based on professional experience and feedback from clients and partners. Lire davantage

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RE: Environmental Registry of Ontario (ERO# 019-5203) and Ministry of the Environment, Conservation and Parks - O.Reg. 406/19 (EPA, R.S.O. 1990). Comments on the Proposed Implementation Pause of Excess Soil Requirements Lire davantage

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Dillon Consulting Ltd

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1. Is the pause of the 2022 phase-in implementation going to impact the January 1, 2022 contract Registry exemption/grandfathering as well? Will this be delayed until January 1, 2023 and thus exempting projects from the Registry where signed contracts are in place before January 1, 2023? Lire davantage

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City of Guelph

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Good afternoon, On behalf of the City of Guelph please find attached a response to ERO number 019-5203 - Implementation Pause of Excess Soil Requirements in Effect January 1, 2022. Lire davantage

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I am opposed to this pause. This regulation was already in effect so to pause seems strange especially when companies were in compliance. It is unfair to the companies that complied to have this pause. More time won’t accomplish anything further since enough time has already passed.

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It is very disappointing to hear that implementation has been delayed until next year. Surely a less lengthy delay such as until June 2022 can be accommodated. Allowing the continued dumping of untested excavated material has a big potential to harm the environment.

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April 9, 2022 Laura Blease Land Use Policy, Environmental Policy Branch 40 St. Clair Ave West 10th floor Toronto, ON M4V 1M2 Re: Comments for Excess Soils Management Regulation Implementation of Proposed Pause of Excess Soil Requirements Dear Ms. Blease: Lire davantage

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The Town of Amherstburg

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Letter to MECP regarding the Town of Amherstburg's position on the proposed pause to the Excess Soils Regulation has been attached as part of its submission to the registry. The body of the letter includes: Lire davantage

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I would like to voice my strong opposition to any pause in regards to the excess soil legislation. It is up to this government to follow through with promises to clean up this soil dumping industry, not to allow individuals and companies to pollute the water and the land.

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Dear Hon. Minister I am writing to add my voice to wide-spread opposition from the Construction Industry, to O. Reg. 406/19. First though, thank you for deferring implementation while the government consults and makes appropriate amendments to the regulation. Lire davantage

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London Home Builders' Association

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On behalf of the London Home Builders' Association I wanted to provide comments supporting the suggested delay for the implementation of the Phase 2 requirements, the planning and reporting documents, and the tracking requirements detailed in the Regulation. Lire davantage

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Ontario’s Excess Soil Regulation (O. Reg. 406/19) was developed to recognize excess soil as a resource, to provide clear rules to support beneficial reuse of excess soil, and to help address issues of illegal dumping. Lire davantage

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Ontario Environment Industry Association

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Laura Blease Senior Policy Advisor Land Use Policy, Environmental Policy Branch Ministry of the Environment, Conservation and Parks 40 St Clair Avenue West, Foster Building, Floor 10 Toronto, ON M4V1M2 Submitted via the ERO portal and copy delivered via e-mail to Lire davantage

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Statut du commentaire

April 9, 2022 Laura Blease Land Use Policy, Environmental Policy Branch 40 St. Clair Ave West 10th floor Toronto, ON M4V 1M2 Re: Comments for Excess Soils Management Regulation Implementation of Proposed Pause of Excess Soil Requirements Dear Ms. Blease: Lire davantage

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Statut du commentaire

April 9, 2022 Laura Blease Land Use Policy, Environmental Policy Branch 40 St. Clair Ave West 10th floor Toronto, ON M4V 1M2 Re: Comments for Excess Soils Management Regulation Implementation of Proposed Pause of Excess Soil Requirements Dear Ms. Blease: Lire davantage