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I would like to start by saying I understand there is a significant shortage of housing, largely affordable housing in Ontario. And I understand the importance of providing this housing as quickly as possible. However, I do not believe that it is prudent to remove areas of the Greenbelt to do so. Lire davantage

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Wrong on so many levels! This plan completely ignores the ecological biodiversity of this space. What about the homes of the 78 species at risk that live there? Like the monarch butterfly, bobolink, barn owl, and spotted turtle. Lire davantage

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The housing crisis is far more complicated than a lack of housing. Building more homes will not solve this issue, it will only continue to minimize the green-spaces that are essential to the well-being of biodiversity and our environment. Lire davantage

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In 2005 the Greenbelt was identified by the province as land that should be protected because of it’s important agricultural potential. Farmland loss in Ontario is increasing yearly despite protections, and the Greenbelt lands should not be part of this loss. Lire davantage

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Rezoning Greenbelt land to building housing is short sighted and in direct contrast with the information and evidence pertaining to the climate crisis we are facing around the world. There is already precious little green space within the Golden Horseshoe. Lire davantage

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I urge the Premier to: - withdraw the plan to remove lands from the Greenbelt; - get on with a meaningful Greenbelt expansion that reflects public input - repeatedly promised —. but never delivered by the Ford government; Lire davantage

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I urge the Premier to: -Withdraw the plan to remove lands from the Greenbelt; -Get on with a meaningful Greenbelt expansion that reflects public input - repeatedly promised but never delivered by the Ford government; Lire davantage

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There are options for housing without encroaching on the greenbelt. This is an incredibly short sighted position for the government to take, much like many of the Ford government policies seem to be. Put forth effort into developing thought out strategies and stop lying to the people of Ontario. Lire davantage

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I am a big proponent of more housing. However, this plan is not the way to do it. The greenbelt is the only access to greenspace for most GTA residents Only available space for wildlife in the GTA Lire davantage

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I am strongly opposed to the government's plan to build houses on greenbelt land in Ontario. We should be taking steps to preserve the existing greenbelt boundaries, not encroaching upon them to build new housing. Lire davantage