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The Green Belt should NOT be opened to development. The Green Belt should continue to be protected land. I would suggest using unused office space and buildings in the GTA to create housing opportunities.

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Please do not touch the green belt. In doing so you will create an ecological disaster that could potentially change Ontario's fragile eco system. Touching pertected lands you will be destroying the very thing that's still makes lower Ontario green and beautiful. Lire davantage

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As a millennial that would love to one day buy a house, I wouldn't want to buy one on once protected environment land. The environment is slowly collapsing and this land development scheme is only going to make that worse. Please do not get rid of the Greenbelt. Lire davantage

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This proposal entirely contradicts promises made by the conservative government. Our environment should be our top priority, not providing land for massive mansions for his golfing buddies. This is a disgusting misuse of money and trust.

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Absolutely disagree. There are so many options for low income high density housing in our major cities. Ottawa has abandoned office buildings in huge surplus after the pandemic and you can't tell me Toronto isn't the same. Lire davantage

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This is such a poor idea to save people 45 seconds of time. Protect our greenland and environment. We do not need another highway. The reason behind this highway is so transparent, it's sickening. Lining big company's pockets should not be the agenda of our government, yet here we are. Lire davantage

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I do not want the greenbelt to be touched. While there is a need for housing, there needs to be alternatives so we are not impacting such a large area that is currently protected under conservation and encompasses wetlands which we all know are important for the larger ecosystem. Lire davantage

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The Green belt is meant to be conserved There are other things that can be done for housing such as dealing with landlords buying up low income housing. We can convert currently empty office buildings to low income housing. Lire davantage

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Hi There, I really don’t think we need a new highway in Toronto we need to open up the 407 to the public or just to large trucks and have the highway pay us back what they owe us by doing this. This would reduce traffic significantly. Lire davantage

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The destruction of the green can not be allowed to happen! This land is precious and home to many wildlife. It is irresponsible to allow the Ford government to just ramrod over the voice of Ontarians. HE already said he wouldn't touch it, he said he listened! PLEASE listen now.. Lire davantage

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This is totally wrong! There are other places to build houses than the greenbelt. Mr Ford had promised to not touch it. He said he would listen to the people of Ontario. But once again, Mr Ford cares only for money, for himself and his rich friends. Lire davantage

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To do this is not only disrespectful to everyone dougie told he he wouldn’t do this, it is al severely disrespectful to those First Nations communities who owned that land before any of the colonizers came here. There will be a day where you all realize you can not eat money. Lire davantage

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The proposed amendment to the Greenbelt Plan sets in motion a precedent to develop on protected land, encroaching on vital wetland and natural spaces which lend themselves to keeping our province's best interests in place. Lire davantage

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Please do not build anything in the protected green belt. This decision to build on this land is based off on people who do not need more money than they already have. The land has to be protected not only for environmental purposes but also for our society.

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The people of Ontario spoke loud and clear when they told Doug Ford to leave the Greenbelt alone! Doug Ford needs to start listening to the people of Ontario and not his rich friends trying to make a quick buck off the destruction of our protected lands.