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I think that the issues we need to focus on are far more dire than developing land thar should be conserved. We should be focusing on Healthcare, education and the current housing crisis. Lire davantage

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The development of the green belt in Ontario would be a travesty. Our environment is so fragile and this would be one more nail in the coffin. Ford promised he would not develop this land. He is a liar. He wants to do this to make himself and his friends richer. Lire davantage

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There is no need for a new highway or any development on the green belt. The Ford government told its citizens that it would not touch the green belt, Ontarian’s are sick of the con artist tactics. Lire davantage

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This development makes no sense. Why would we spend money on this highway through protected wetlands when we could be spending the money on affordable housing, our healthcare system, or education system. You do not have my support on this project.

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I am horrified by this proposal. The purpose of the Greenbelt is to protect the designated areas and habitats for the future, not to provide a convenient source of land for developers who won't look beyond their own bottom lines. Lire davantage

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Doug Ford says he wants to work for the people, however, destroying this protected land causes further environmental strain and damages our provinces natural beauty, biodiversity and crucial ecosystems that will allow future generations to flourish. Lire davantage

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The green belt is an extremely important piece of southern Ontario and as wildlife and biodiversity crumble with the effects of climate change, adding more destruction to an already suffering ecosystem in the name of profit is heartbreaking. Lire davantage

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I implore you to stop this proposal as someone who actively lives on this protected land and knows first hand how negatively this will effect our whole Province's future. This is protected land for many a good reason, and land that should stay protected now more than ever before. Lire davantage

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Creating this proposal and developing on the greenbelt wont solve any problems. It will create more, different problems. DO NOT LET THIS HAPPEN. This is not what Ontario needs or wants. Lire davantage

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Please do not destroy the greenbelt - it is environmentally vital to Ontario. interfering with the Greenbelt could further endanger species located there and would bring no solution to the housing crisis Lire davantage

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The proposed bill will be a detriment to both the local ecology (including a number of federally and provincially listed Endangered species), as well as the role the green belt plays recreationally. Lire davantage

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We do not need to continue to destroy our natural resources in order for Doug Ford and his friends to profit. We need to conserve our land, and the natural habitats that the land provides. This would be a complete and utter waste of finances and resources. Lire davantage

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I feel that money as a tax payer can be spent more wisely and environmentally friendly by using empty buildings throughout Ontario. There is no need to disturb the green belt for low income housing and more pollution. There are much better ways to accomplish these needs.

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Please do not use the green belt for development. We need to protect the environment and wildlife therein. Perhaps a better plan for housing would be to repurpose buildings that are sat vacant now due to work from home business models.