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Instead of destroying our green belt and destroying animals homes, we should start looking at buildings that are abandoned and creating them into apartments for low income housing.

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Our protected greenbelt must remain protected! Ontario doesn't need sprawling suburbs and more cars on the road, Ontario needs higher density housing and better public transit to better serve our residents. Lire davantage

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The greenbelt was promised to always be protected and it should be. I'm strongly against it being open to any sort of development. It's home to wetlands, animals etc. Protect the greenbelt.

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I think it is absurd to weaken the rules on this. New infrastructure can destroy the land meant to be there to protect wildlife. We are already living in a world where the environment is taking a toll due to our consumption and how we live; thus, we must protect the little wildlife we have. Lire davantage

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We need to be protecting our land, not destroying more of it. Our impact on the environment is already huge, we don’t need to add more. Find better uses for empty buildings/lots in cities instead

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This proposal is two terrible ideas in one. It's getting rid of natural habitats and replacing it with urban sprawl. It's clear Ford doesn't have the best interests for Ontario. We need more densification and walkable communities. Traffic is already absolutely terrible.

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As the global climate continues to become more unstable, it is imperative that we maintain our green spaces. Urban sprawl should not invade the greenbelt, especially as the provincial government promised not to touch it. Lire davantage

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In 2018 Doug Ford looked directly into a camera and said "If they don't want me to touch the Greenbelt, I won't touch it." He needs to be held accountable to this. DO NOT TOUCH THE GREENBELT. I do NOT support bulding ANYTHING on the Greenbelt!!

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We do not need this highway. We need to protect the conservation areas. We need raises for our nurses. We need lower wait times in hospitals. We need better education systems. We need help with student loans. We need affordable, wheelchair accessible, low income housing. Lire davantage

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The Ford government is planning to create a development in the green belt. The public is not going to stand idly by. Upon previous overviews of his policy, he has stated in years past that the green belt/ conservation areas would be protected. Lire davantage

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I have lived in Ontario my whole life and I am a student studying environment and business at the university of Waterloo. Developing on this protected area will have so many consequences for both people and the environment that we cannot undo. Lire davantage

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I'm concerned that these new homes will not be available to low/middle income people that need them the most. And this will be at the expense of many animals' habitats. Lire davantage

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If this proposal is approved it will do so much damage you mine as well dump toxic waste into Toronto’s drinking water. The catastrophic environmental domino effect that will occur will devastate southern Ontario for generations. Lire davantage

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Why not use the unused office building space we already have available in Toronto, instead of expanding needlessly into the greenbelt (destroying our wildlife)? Please consider the future of Ontario - do the right thing, leave the greenbelt untouched. There are other solutions.

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I feel like utilizing empty government buildings and work buildings as housing/condos either low income or not would be a more beneficial way to repurpose what is already in existence; and not take more land away from the animals and plants that need to thrive for the environment. Lire davantage

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There is no need to develop the Greenbelt. It is protected for a reason. Deregulating wetland and wetland adjacent land is detrimental to Ontarian ideals. This amendment will negatively impact greenspace for generations, as there is no undoing the damage that will be done by building here. Lire davantage