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Seriously? With all the areas going unused in the GTA, the defunct businesses and vacant lots, etc. we have to award another developer friend of the government with the right to destroy the greenbelt? Lire davantage

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Keep canada green! The beauty of the greenbelt attracts tourists and helps with water levels. The diversity of wildlife will suffer and will lead to more wildlife coming into Toronto. This is not a solution. This is not an option

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This proposed development is absolutely horrifying. Even besides the implications to the water table, protected lands, etc, the property taxes for these areas will not be high enough to cover upkeep. Lire davantage

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This highway is purely a salute to Fords corporate friends. We do not need a highway and we DEFINITELY DO NOT need to ruin protected green space. How ford can even propose this is ridiculous. Does he not know we are in a CLIMATE crisis? This will hurt all of us.

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We have enough land in this province to build on. We should not be building big houses to stop a housing crisis. We need to be building up on existing land. The greenbelt is about our green space and not urban sprawl. It's for us now and for future generations. Lire davantage

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There's no reason to wipe out the natural beauty of the greenbelt for more housing. We gave plenty of existing space waiting to be rebuilt, or built upon. I don't get how you should even be allowed to purchase greenbelt land. Lire davantage

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I object to this proposal in the strongest possible terms. Providing housing so far outside of urban centres will not help those most in need of housing, such as low income people and new immigrants. Cities can be denser instead. Lire davantage

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As a resident of Ontario I am appalled that this would be even be considered. Or wild life is important to what makes this province so great and it is already fragile. This proposal would destroy any chance we have of keeping a healthy ecosystem. Lire davantage

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the green belt needs to be protected, doug ford is going back on word with this, as he did say he would never open up the green belt for development. those wildlife deserve their lives and their home, leave it alone

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This decision goes against anything we need in 2022 or going forward. I am disappointed by a government and his officials who knowingly cause harm too it’s people and wild life they ‘protect’. Lire davantage

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This plan is purely for developers benefits. Building on protected green space to line wealthy pockets. Damaging ecosystems forever and wiping out species More broken promises from this government. Profit over people every time.

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Once again, completely disgusted by what the Ontario government is doing in response to a major issue we have. Destroying our small amounts of protected land is not the way to help anyone in Ontario. Cities need to be built up. Rent and housing prices need to come down. Lire davantage