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The green belt is PROTECTED LAND, and it needs to remain that way. This government thinks it can do whatever it wants and get away with it, and as a member of the voting public I am sick of it. This proposal must not happen. Lire davantage

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The proposed plan goes against Ford’s promise not to touch the Greenbelt and will cause irreversible environmental devastation to the area. As a resident of Hamilton, I am against the proposed plan. Lire davantage

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I am not supportive of any development of housing in the green belt. It is critical to our environment and required to ensure our sprawl doesn’t get out of control. Housing issues can be resolved by building denser houses in existing areas and rezoning single home areas.

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Utilize the land and space in and around Toronto,the small spaces ,utilize the big empty office buildings,we have so much empty buildings and space in and around the GTA that could be used .Long before destruction of wetland and environment. Lire davantage

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The green belt is and long has been an important part of Ontario’s ecology. Designed expressly to protect habitats and provide greenspace with reach of cities. And to prevent endless sprawl. Lire davantage

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Not only does this go against Doug Ford’s initial promise NOT to touch the Green Belt, but the narrative about how this will help to ease the housing crisis is nothing but lies. Lire davantage

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We should be building housing up instead of out to protect our green space. Plant more trees in our current green spaces. Hasn’t the warm weather in November been enough of a wake up call to you all? Development of protected space needs to STOP.

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For a premier who says he’s for the people, you really do not listen to them. This is protected land that SHOULD NOT be touched. You don’t need another cottage or mansion on these lands. Keep your word for a change and leave the green belt alone.

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It is quite upsetting having to constantly raise concerns to this government when it comes to things that should be considered off limits. Keeping the Green Belt lands protected has been so important and to see it at risk again is unacceptable. Lire davantage

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I am absolutely against this. This is unacceptable. The green belt must be protected. This will not solve our housing crisis, we need low income housing options, not houses out on the greenbelt. Lire davantage

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This plan is really ridiculous. Doug ford swore he wouldn’t touch the green belt when he was voted in and here he is now trying to. I think this proposal is a bad bad idea and I don’t support it at all.

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Doug wants to allow his buddies to be able to develop land they bought cheap. He is only opening those specific plots, not the Greenbelt. This is corruption, pure and simple. Ford cares more about deals with developers than preserving farmland and watersheds. Lire davantage

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The green belt should not be altered. It was established to protect valuable ecological environments for all time, not as areas simply waiting until developers decide they want them. These lands have practical value as water sheds as well as recreational value. Lire davantage

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Hello, I am deeply against any building of residential buildings or roads that are not strictly needed by commercial developers on the green belt. Is the official plan not in line with conservation of the greenbelt?

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Please do not remove land from the greenbelt. We need that land to remain protected and help keep our province green. The green parts of our province help absorb the heat and creates space where people can gather, play and live.

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NO to giving up existing greenbelt for new housing developments. BAD for the environment, BAD for the existing communities that will pay higher taxes to build infrastructure for the new developments. Lire davantage

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I do not wish to see the greenbelt eroded for more housing. There is plenty of land outside the greenbelt that is yet to be developed.please reconsider, my vote will be influenced by what is done with the greenbelt.