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The green belt should remain protected and there should not be building on it. There is space elsewhere to build that doesn’t involve taking away from the precious green space that the green belt was designated to protect

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This is a travesty. We are facing climate disaster and the proposed solutions you put forward is to develop more of our natural spaces?? Genuinely asking you to stop and think of our future and the future generations of Ontario, how will this actually benefit them? Lire davantage

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I disagree with this proposal. The greenbelt is important for the environment and for the water table. Who can even afford these houses being proposed? It's clear that the main benefits are to private individuals, not to the people of Ontario. Lire davantage

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The green belt is one of the few things making me proud to be an Ontarian right now. It is a resource we can’t sacrifice in such a fickle way, the environment is important and needs to be protected. Ford, listen to the people, we do not want this!

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I voted for Conservative MPPs in my last election because I felt this party could be trusted to keep promises. This plan is forcing me to revisit those beliefs. Keep your promises if you want to keep voter faith! Lire davantage

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Dude, really? You want to develop one of the few locations we have left to grow food for Ontario? We already have issues affording to feed ourselves. You really want to reduce that? Oh I see it. Not a problem for you who got a 18% raise while the rest of us pessents suffer. Lire davantage

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Dear Douglas, Please do not develop on the green belt! We are nothing without our water system and environment. The people of Ontario do not want this and there are better ways to fix housing. Thank you, Lise

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Leave the greenbelt as is, this is an area that needs to be preserved. Another highway is not required, more developments are unnecessary. The Ford government made numerous statements about how they would keep away from the Greenbelt. Just one more lie on a pile of lies and half truths.

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Add protected lands but don’t remove any! There’s so many other options for housing including high density more affordable (which is needed) not more sprawling car-centric suburbs. Lire davantage

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This amendment to legislation does not help the people of Ontario. What we need are houses that people can afford not mansions on one of our most ecologically vulnerable areas. We need high density housing IN CITIES for workers. Lire davantage

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As climate change continues to impact urban density and the things people living in cities need, including locally produced food supported by a healthy ecosystem, we cannot afford to lose the green belt. Lire davantage

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Do not develop the green belt. It is too important a natural resources for biodiversity and ground water. Stop the sprawl and stop funneling money to your developer friends and donera