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How is this even a question? Not that Ford has been good at anything in his term (other than gutting Healthcare and education of course), but this is ridiculous. Stop trying to destroy our land and systems in order to line the pockets of your campaign donors. Leave the green belt alone.

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I am very much against this proposal. Once the greenbelt is gone/changed we cannot bring it back. I don't understand why Doug Ford is allowed to move forward with this to help his already rich developer buddies. The environment is so much more important than Doug Ford. Lire davantage

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I am in support of the proposed amendments to the Greenbelt Plan to meet the housing needs. I also feel there needs to be an amendment added that addresses Greenbelt lands that do not meet the criteria. Lire davantage

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I am in support of the proposed amendments to the Greenbelt Plan to meet the housing needs. I also feel there needs to be an amendment added that addresses Greenbelt lands that do not meet the criteria. Lire davantage

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Doug Ford, this proposed project through the Greenbelt near Toronto for housing and Highway is simply unacceptable, and furthermore, NOT WHAT ONTARIANS WANT. I have not meet one person in Canada who thinks this is a good idea. Lire davantage

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We need to protect our wilderness and stop this proposal. They have so much value and importance and once they are gone, they are lost forever. We need to stop seeing our greenbelt as a way to profit and see it as inherently valuable. Our future needs them.

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Doug Ford is a complete nightmare. He’s unfit for office, only cares about lining the pockets of his donates to watch everything else burn. How DARE he go after the greenbelt he promised he wouldn’t. He is ruining Ontario and making it unsafe for everyone to live here. Lire davantage

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I am not in support of the proposed amendments to the Greenbelt Plan. I fear these amendements will further negatively impact our wilderness, nature and the citizens of Ontario. Lire davantage

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Developing the southern Ontario Greenbelt will cause irrevocable harm. End of story. We are in a climate emergency and the Sixth Mass Extinction. Please don't even think about putting developers' short-term profits ahead of life and survival (for humans and the rest of Nature). Lire davantage

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Keep the greenbelt protected. There are more areas that can be used for housing. Please note that the prices of houses build there not necessarily will be affordable. Lire davantage

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I would suggest that the “overpopulation!” that is being proposed should be stopped. The newcomers can travel to the Northern Territories, who need population for representation. We must retain our green belt! The land belongs to the people not the government!