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We have lived within the greenbelt since I was a child. We have watched development sprawl. Sometimes to the benefit of our communities, sometimes with serious consequences (and driven only with the interest of $$$) . We have watched the populations of song birds change and dwindle. Lire davantage

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building more houses will help the housing crisis. Implementing more AFFORDABLE housing will help. You can build all the $800,000+ houses you want but it will not stop this crisis. More housing without affordability doesn't make sense. Lire davantage

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The Greenbelt is essential environmental infrastructure which keeps people and properties safe from pollution, flooding, and the natural disasters that are worsening with climate change. Lire davantage

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Do not build on the greenbelt, it will not solve the housing issues as the developers will just build more low budget high price tag homes. Rezone existing cities to build up. Save the greenbelt of Ontario.

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Seriously… keep your money hungry hands off our greenbelt. This is a very slippery slope and soon we will not have a Greenbelt at all. The land in the Greenbelt is protected for a reason and the wildlife that lives there depends on it - our ecosystems depend on it.

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Please do not develop any sections of the green belt in the way proposed. The climate change crisis is real. Former governments created the green belt as a way to protect fragile ecosystems which protect us all. This isn’t your land to develop. Lire davantage

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Please protect our green belt, we have hundreds of acres of land that can be redeveloped for housing, but if we destroy this green belt land it can never be recovered. I beg of you, do not move forward with this proposal.

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The reduction of protections for our Greenbelt is a mistake which will impact many generations to come. This should not be allowed. Please consider our childrens’ futures above short sighted development plans which are poised to benefit only the already wealthy.

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Removing designated lands is unacceptable - particularly given the density that they are adjacent to. We don’t need more sprawl in Ontario. We need more vertical. We’ve already scene a decrease in wildlife and air quality, critical habitat is important. Lire davantage

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One issue is that these plots will simply get sold to the ultra wealthy who will develop the land as they please. Most people who are not part of that exclusive circle will struggle with that and fewer people will get to enjoy that land. Lire davantage

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Hi, why is this even being considered, we need this land for food not more housing, we will not be able to support the growing population by doing this. This is concerning to me, we should focus on high density areas and better transit, not ruining something so sacred as our food supply. Lire davantage

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We are extremely disappointed this government is walking back its election promise to not touch the green belt. The green belt is necessary for protecting our food and water as well as protecting our homes from flooding. Lire davantage

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Do not allow Doug Ford to destroy the greenbelt. This was, and always should remain, protected lands. No development should be allowed. It will cause environmental issues for decades. It is our duty to protect these lands for the sake of our children’s future. Lire davantage

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This is getting out of hand! You need to know when to stop your greedy behaviors! My vote will no longer be with the conservatives. You have proven how selfish you are and how corrupt and money hungery you are. Lire davantage

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I am against re-classifying any of the Greenbelt for housing or other development. It would cost Ontario tax payers less, and preserve their natural heritage, to use land already inside urban areas that is already zoned for residential development. There is sufficient of such land available. Lire davantage