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Save the green belt. You can’t keep taking bits and pieces, it affects the wildlife and ecosystems there. Once it’s gone, it’s gone. Develop old strip malls, make more 3 bedroom condos. Don’t destroy the green belt forever

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I do not support any plans for developing within the green belt. This is absolutely egregious that it is being proposed, an act of disrespect to our planet, to the First Nations who protected the land we stole from them, and to the overall well being of the province. Lire davantage

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A promise was made the protect the Greenbelt from further development. Keep the promise. Adding new areas of protection should not be paid for by releasing others to development. Stop negotiating with the lands we pay to preserve.

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I do not approve of this plan! Build more housing without destroying the environment please. Consider medium and high density housing in large municipalities surrounded by walkable neighbourhoods.

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The green belt should not be changed. As climate change gathers more traction and our summers and winters become more frequented with storms we must do everything we can to protect the green spaces we have. Lire davantage

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This amendment is not needed. Leave our conservation areas alone. We need all of that to live and it does not need to be taken over by development. No development, No Highway.

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No! Ford promised not to touch the Greenbelt. We want affordable housing in urban areas for complete communities. We don't want more sprawl! Ontario needs to protect the Greenbelt.

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The proposal to use areas of the Greenbelt to build new, primarily low-density housing is absolutely preposterous. This undermines the entire point of having a Greenbelt and goes against Premier Doug Ford's 2018 promise to not "touch" it. Lire davantage

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All I have to say is that this is unacceptable. Duggie told us he wouldn't touch the greenbelt, and here we are. What a surprise. I'd never again vote conservative is he gets away with this.