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I do not think I will ever forgive the people involved if the Greenbelt gets opened up for human development. I am a conservative but I will not vote conservative again in Ontario if this happens by a conservative government. Lire davantage

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Im concerned about this project going across the green belt. The green belt is vital ecosystem that is necessary for Ontario wildlife. We need to be protecting the area not expanding human development and putting more native species at risk. Lire davantage

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My name is Laina Don and I live in Burlington with my family. Doug Ford you promised not to touch the Greenbelt- keep your word! This isn't just land you can build over and add in other places. Each parcel contains unique habitat and wildlife that will be destroyed if it is developed over. Lire davantage

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The Ford government should not be touching the green belt. YOU SAID YOU WOULD NOT TOUCH THE GREENBELT. I am a young adult who cannot afford a house, I understand there is a housing crisis but we also have a much more existential crisis in our global climate crisis. Lire davantage

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This proposal goes against the rights of individuals, local, and municipal governments. It ignores the democratic decisions of the immediate residents. It's effects will set back environmental goals and affordable housing goals for generations. Additionally it will eliminate MORE farmland. Lire davantage

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Do not use GreenBelt land for more housing. It’s time to build up, not out. We need to protect our land instead of profiting off of it. An act was made to protect it - let’s keep it that way.

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I oppose the suggested change to rezone land from the greenbelt for residential purposes. We need to continue to protect already protected land and look to areas beyond the Golden Horseshoe and GTA for further residential development. Lire davantage

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Do NOT use a rob Peter to pay Paul approach of removing land from the Green Belt only to add more land to it as if natural assets are somehow interchangeable and not unique to specific areas (also not addressing the prime real estate motto of location which building homes in the middle of nowhere do Lire davantage

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The Ontario government recently announced that it intends to break its loudest, clearest election promise, by inflicting a fatal 7,400 acre wound on the vital and wildly popular Greenbelt. I OPPOSE BILL 23 AND ASK THAT THIS BILL BE STOPPED IMMEDIATELY Lire davantage

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This is a horrible idea. Adding to the green belt is great, but don't remove the protections that exist! Develop that houses that have already been approved fr development but not built first! If more houses are need, expand cities to the north that don't have as much farm land. Like Sudbury. Lire davantage

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I am very disappointed with the short-sightedness of the proposed changes to the Greenbelt. The Greenbelt boundaries were set for a reason, to protect valuable natural areas and farmland. A 1:1 ratio for compensation is not adequate especially for wetlands. Lire davantage

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Please just keep your promise! You have done nothing but negatively impact the environment on repeat since you got elected. No matter how much kicking and screaming your people do against it, you just keep building and destroying our ecosystems. PLEASE protect the greenbelt!! Lire davantage

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The Greenbelt should be a protected area. No land development should be allowed outside of Provincial and Regional parks who are caretakers. Do not build housing on the greenbelt. No to housing developments in the Greenbelt.