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I wholeheartedly condemn this erosion of the greenbelt. Nothing in this plan addresses affordability in housing, and it only benefits a handful of developers; the premier's buddies and backers. It's disgraceful.

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Explain why there's so much focus on building new housing and opening up more than 7,000 acres on the GreenBelt and nothing to control rental prices. Your government talks about a "housing crisis" but appears to do nothing to protect renters in Ontario. Lire davantage

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I am deeply upset that Premier Ford and and other elected officials are failing to honour their prior commitment to conserve the Greenbelt. They are willing to breach a promise that profoundly affects not only their constituents but future generations as well. Lire davantage

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Before Ford was elected in 2018, he made a promise not to touch the greenbelt. He is breaking his promise based on the need for housing. Build somewhere else! Don’t touch the Greenbelt. I am so upset with this government doing things that they said they wouldn’t do. Lire davantage

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I am writing because I strongly oppose bill 23. I am an artist who lives in Toronto. Contrary to what bill 23 claims to be, it will not create the housing we need in Ontario--that is, housing in existing neighborhoods including much needed rental spaces and truly affordable places to live. Lire davantage

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We need our green belt ! This is a terrible idea that is exactly what Ford said he wouldn’t do. Protect our green spaces ! There is more than enough land to develop already without destroying our natural habitat further. Hands off the green belt!

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I do not support removing lands from the Greenbelt Area and I do not support the proposed amendments to the Greenbelt Plan (ERO 019-6216), or to the Greenbelt Area boundary regulation O. Reg. Lire davantage

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This bill needs to be withdrawn. It is shortsighted and unnecessary as developers already control land that could be used for housing while measures to densify already built residential areas could go a long way to meet future housing needs.

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To whom this may concern, I am a gravely concerned resident of Ontario employed in the ecology and environmental consultant industry. Prior to reading further, please know that I am not anti-development, but I am deeply pro-responsible planning and development. Lire davantage

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To fragment The Greenbelt is criminal. It will not only negatively affect the many species that call it home, it will indefinitely do the same to our health and overall well-being. Lire davantage

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I am a life-long Ontario resident and I oppose the use of our protected greenbelt land for housing. While I haven't been able to make the jump from our 1 bedroom condo due to high prices, I don't believe building on our already incredibly limited green space is the right answer. Lire davantage

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Once again, I feel deceived by this government. This is a narrow minded and short sighted decision, to allow development on large swaths of protected land. And for what? To build single family homes at market value, which will do little if anything to mitigate the affordability crisis. Lire davantage

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It would be nice if dad green belt land that is being released is assessed on a case by case basis and not blanketed approved. Too much opportunity for the rich rich which happen to by the premiers buddies that own these said lands. Lire davantage

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Premier Ford is breaking his word. He promised to not touch the green belt. The province does not need this land, it will NOT make housing more affordable, the developments will be more suburban sprawl of 4,000 soft homes that the people that need the housing can’t access or afford. Lire davantage

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Morraines are protected for a reason. This is an ecological formation housing countless species. There is so much land in this great province why build homes on something so important?