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We need more housing in areas that won't destroy our environmentally protected spaces. Changing what classifies as environmentally protected space to sell off our current eco-system to the highest bidder is not what the people of Ontario want. Lire davantage

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This is a shameful act. These are protected lands belonging to protected species. There must be alternative ways to house our growing population as Canada is a country that takes pride in it’s natural resources and wetlands are extremely important. Lire davantage

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The green belt should not be open to development. There is a reason why the green belt was designated as such and we have enough land in Ontario that does not traverse through diverse lands that are important to various species. Lire davantage

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I do no want this and it will not alleviate any so called “housing crisis” as it will be bought up by wealthy property investors just like the property everywhere else. We don’t need our geeenspace destroyed for more Airbnbs.

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I disapprove of the greenbelt plan. The solution to housing affordability is not to let people build mansions on-top of previously protected land. Not only will the fail to increase affordability but even if it did the solution would be to late to be helpful. Lire davantage

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This is a blatant show of corruption of the Ford government. There should be an investigation of this matter since the contracts are handed out to two of Ford's most prominent campaign donors. To the MPPs not pushing for an investigation, YOU ARE PART OF THR CORRUPTION. Lire davantage

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In 2018 you promised Ontarians that the Greenbelt would never be developed. You subsequently reneged on that commitment, presumably in order to satisfy developers who had purchased land within an area that later became part of this protected region. Lire davantage

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Doug Ford has already cripple Ontario enough as it is. This deal to wipe the greenbelt of its protective status is nothing but a collections of idsuguised land purchases and bribes to benefit a select few group of people. Lire davantage

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Opening up the green belt to development is a mistake. That area is protected for a reason and once it is irreversibly changed we can’t take it back. It’s home to some of the best farmland Canada has to offer and home for essential wildlife. Lire davantage

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This is a travesty. Green space is essential to healthy communities and destroying these spaces will not solve the housing crisis. It will only line the pockets of developers. Uphold your promise to protect the green belt. Lire davantage

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The amount of greenfield land already designated for development, and added to municipal settlement boundaries, but still sitting unbuilt far exceeds what is needed to meet long range housing targets. Lire davantage

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I did not vote for this and nor did the majority of Ontarians. This is corrupt and undemocratic. I am a PhD student in clinical psychology who has lived in Ontario all my life. Lire davantage