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The Greenbelt should not be touched for the purpose of building housing or building highways. Municipalities should be encouraged to adjust their zoning regulations to allow for more dense building within existing neighbourhoods. Lire davantage

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The proposed changes to Greenbelt will not achieve the governments aims, unless those aims are to create more urban sprawl, generate more wealth for land developers, put more burden on taxpayers of affected municipalities, generate more commuter traffic and associated congestion and greenhouse gas e Lire davantage

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The Greenbelt is precious to Ontario. The environment and wildlife depend on the Greenbelt. It is unacceptable to use the housing crisis as an excuse to take away precious land. It is clear that this plan will not fix the housing crisis issue. Lire davantage

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I oppose this plan to open up the green belt for development in a so called "land swap". The green belt was established with the intention that it would be untouchable land - land that exists for the enjoyment and protection of future generations, such as from flooding. Lire davantage

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Regarding the Green Belt, there is already enough room in the areas Zoned for future housing to meet the Housing Requirements that Premier Doug Ford has planned, without opening up the Green Belt. Lire davantage

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Ford's green belt plan is a bad idea. These houses will do nothing for our shortage and even worse will destroy our green areas and increase our Urban sprawl issues. We need more adequate housing built in places with dense populations. Lire davantage

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Ontario’s Planning Act, The Provincial Policy Statement and other plans such as A Place to Grow: Growth plan for the Greater Golden Horseshoe and The Greenbelt Plan inform Ontario Municipalities in creating Official Plans and take into account population growth so Ford’s position that the Greenbelt Lire davantage

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The Greenbelt must not be chopped up even if the justification is for more housing. Premier Ford and Minister Clark repeatedly have stated that it would not be opened up for construction. Lire davantage

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This proposal is an absolute sham and borderline criminal. It is particularly insulting as it stands to enrich developers with NO GUARANTEE of benefits to the public. PUBLIC LAND SHOULD SERVE THE PUBLIC. If it is to be developed, it should be guaranteed community housing / afforbable housing. Lire davantage

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Dear Ontario Government/Ford Government I vehemently oppose any plans to build on the Ontario greenbelt. Building in the greenbelt makes absolutely zero sense and only serves to damage the future of Ontario irreparablely and enrich a few terrible developers. Lire davantage

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Please preserve the Duffins Rouge Agricultural Preserve. This is of the utmost importance for the future of our health, our environment, food security and well being. PLEASE PROTECT OUR ENVIRONMENT, OUR COMMUNITY AND OUR FUTURE.

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Do not develop the Green Belt. Do not do it. What is the cost of supporting and maintaining the highways, what will be the municipal taxes required to support the infrastructure in these areas. Lire davantage