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Let's put this into public record and get the Premier Doug Ford to answer questions about his developer buddies taking out $100 million dollar loan at 21% interest to purchase Green Belt land Lire davantage

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We act on behalf of Cold Creek Developments Ltd., the owners of 22.49 hectares (55.57 acres) located on the east side of Mount Hope Road, north of Columbia Way, legally described as part of the west half of Lot 11, Concession 8 within the Town of Caledon, Regional Municipality of Peel. Lire davantage

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The following is edited from comments sent to my MPP I would like to express my opposition to Bill 23, which is ill-conceived on many levels in my opinion. I appreciate you taking the time to consider my input. Lire davantage

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I do not agree with developing Greenbelt lands. There needs to be less urban sprawl and greater protection of these green spaces. One ecosystem is not the same as another so substituting the lands with other areas is not a solution. Instead encourage more density within existing communities.

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Removing these lands from the Greenbelt contradicts promises specifically made by this government and by Doug Ford. The existence of large donations to the PC party from the benefiting property developers and the timing of these purchases is clearly for-profit and corrupt. Lire davantage

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I do not support Building on the greenbelt, nor altering it in any way. This will cause irreversible environmental damage. You know the people did not support this, but came back to this for your developer supporters.

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After Doug Ford was elected premier for the first time, he promised not to allow development on the greenbelt after he saw the widespread public disapproval of this proposal. Lire davantage

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Doug Ford committed to leave the Green Belt alone " the people have spoken ". A promise is a promise. There is other land that can be developed that will not interfere with the farms and environment. HANDS OFF DOUG!

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With all due respect to the PC plan to building more affordable homes to help the housing problem in Ontario I do believe this approach was completely undemocratic to say the least. Lire davantage

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In a nutshell, I disapprove of the proposed changes to the greenbelt Plan. Anything that does not protect the environment and the wetlands of Ontario is not acceptable to me. I will protest as much as I can.