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Absolutely not. There is no need to develop on the green belt. It provides much more value as is than being destroyed for more housing. The promise was to keep the greenbelt as is and that’s how it should be. Lire davantage

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Governments should be preserving our greenbelts we need all the wet lands and farm lands possible we don't need more high ways and they should use spaces inside of cities could have more apartments or condos.Doug Ford has been trying to break up our green belt every since he got into politics.We sho Lire davantage

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The Greenbelt is sacred. Do not infiltrate it. Urban sprawl must be contained. You've already messed up a big chunk of land. Densify. Build in. Build up. Leave the Greenbelt alone.

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This is an abuse of power and corruption by the Ford government. The Greenbelt has been protected for years and for good reason. It is an essential source of agriculture, ecological function and nature. Lire davantage

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Affordable and sustainable housing..... what does that look like and mean, actually, in 2022. Of course, there should still be the option for families to purchase a single family home but taking valuable, protected land to achieve huge profits for developers? Lire davantage

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Why take away homes of wildlife and why take land from farmers that supply our foods to put up housing. Why drive our wild life into our towns putting child and adults and pets in jeopardy to build homes. Lire davantage

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I do not like liars. The Ford government said they "heard" Ontarians, and would not to touch the Greenbelt: they lied. I have zero trust in our provincial government. Lire davantage

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Once again poor thinking & greed want to take back what was given, Land once built on that can never be retrieved . Ontario has millions of acres available for housing without sterling away from the Green Belt❗️Greed has power over Green

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Expanding City area is a bad idea. We need density to make public services like extensive and effective public transit affordable, quick and an effective way to get to work. Expanding prevents this. Lire davantage

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The Greenbelt is protected for a reason, it is home to a number of endangered species found no were else. It contains the headwaters for the city of Toronto. And in this time of climate crisis it is needed. There is very little green space left, and there is also a need to protect farmland. Lire davantage

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There is no reason to allow development to decrease the size of the Green belt. There are under utilized areas within it's borders, and as residents of this area it is important to stand by our green spaces and keep them for future generations. Thank you.

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The Green Belt was established to protect farmland and wild places from developers. It is apparent the recent changes proposed were made to benefit developers, even to the point that info was leaked to developers prior to public announcements of the proposal. Lire davantage

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I do not believe turning portions of the Greenbelt into housing will be an effective way to solve the housing crisis as the prices of homes alone are far beyond what the average Canadian can afford. Lire davantage

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I am completely and absolutely opposed to Bill 23 and any plans to develop any lands designated as Greenbelt. This is a travesty. Doug Ford PROMISED not to touch the Greenbelt. PROMISED! Lire davantage