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I assert that opening the Greenbelt for development, even via trade-offs for other lands, is contrary to the following matters of Provincial Interest identified in Part I, Section 2 of the Planning Act: (a) the protection of ecological systems, including natural areas, features and functions; Lire davantage

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It would be a great injustice to our province and our future generations to build on protected greenbelt land. This land is protected for a good reason: to keep it safe from greedy developers. I do not support this proposal.

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Submission for Proposed Amendments to the Greenbelt Plan ERO number 019-6216 The Greenbelt was established in 2005 to protect farmlands, wetlands, and other significant natural areas in Ontario. Lire davantage

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I do not support any removal of Greenbelt land for development. This proposal places the interests of developers over the people of Ontario, which is deeply troubling. Lire davantage

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Removing environmentally sentistive wet lands for the sake of more urban sprawl is a recipe for both higher real estate costs, more traffic grid lock, congestion and global warming. This insanity needs to stop. Focus on building up not out! Lire davantage

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Our highways and roads are already clogged enough, we don’t have the infrastructure for these houses to be built so rapidly. People who signed Doug Ford’s campaign bought all this green space and now he’s gonna develop it to make them even richer. This bill is a huge scandal and disgrace. Lire davantage

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These changes to the Greenbelt Plan will threaten the quality and quantity of our drinking water, endanger or eliminate environmentally sensitive areas, increase the risk of flooding, and contribute to unwanted and damaging urban sprawl. Lire davantage

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The destruction of the greenbelt is being rushed through. We don't need more urban sprawl and more highways but rather need to density low rise areas such as older suburban neighbourhood such as etobicoke or scarborough - where schools and infrastructure already exist. Lire davantage

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I feel it is disgusting that this is even a topic on the table. The green belt was designated for a reason. We need to start making better decisions, and fast if we really want to make a difference. We can start to solve the housing problems within our communities. Lire davantage

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Please, please honour the promise you made to Ontario voters to leave the Greenbelt alone. We absolutely need to protect our water, forests, wildlife and farmland. The Greenbelt is precious and irreplaceable. I respectfully ask that the Ontario Government preserve it. Lire davantage

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I am writing to express my opposition to the proposed amendments to the Greenbelt Plan. Paving over irreplaceable farm land, natural areas and source water features is unacceptable. Lire davantage

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To be short, I do not agree with these amendments to the greenbelt. I am a 30-something Canadian citizen that currently rents property. Do I want an affordable home? Of course! Do I want it by sacrificing the Greenbelt? NO! Absolutely no! Lire davantage

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The rapid approval of allowing development on Ontario’s beloved Greenbelt, that is an environmentally sensitive area providing protection for us ALL, is nothing short of enraging, disgusting, and appalling. Lire davantage

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I am deeply disturbed by the precedent this plan sets. The Greenbelt was to be protected from development forever. Once that principle is breached, as this Act does, it becomes easier and easier to continue to degrade the Greenbelt. Lire davantage

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We need Conservation Authorities, Greenbelt protection, and support of the MNR, and other provincial organizations to help with restoration of waterways, nature reserves all to protect the bio-diversity here in Ontario. Lire davantage

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The proposed plan to open the Greenbelt to build homes is disgraceful, dishonest, and disgusting. This is a ridiculous plan that will do NOTHING to create affordable housing in the province, and is merely a way to please developers and investors. Lire davantage