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As a resident of Orangeville, Ontario with two kids who I plan to raise in the GTA, I do not agree to this Bill. I am disappointed and disgusted at the short-sightedness of this plan. I do not agree with the decision my representative has made and will make my opinion clear next election.

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Ontarian’s do not want to green belt to be built on. This decision will essentially guarantee the fords government will not be re-elected back in. As it will only increase the cost to the taxpayers. This is essentially putting the nails in premiere Fords coffin for re-election. Lire davantage

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My feedback on Doug Ford's attack on the Greenbelt is as follows: --On the surface, this omnibus Bill 23 appears to address Ontario's housing crisis by removing hindrances to development. Lire davantage

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To allow the development of land critical to the maintenance of a viable water shed for a city the size and breadth of Toronto is nothing short of criminal in nature. It transcends any form of negligence as defined by our Justice system, both civil and criminal. Lire davantage

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Please leave the GREEN BELT alone. The primary reason that this government wants to steal the land from the citizens of Ontario, is to give to developers that contribute to their coffers and then say deceitfully, it is to build afordable homes. Lire davantage

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I simply can not understand how building large, expensive homes helps a housing crisis. This is a support your rich friend move by the Ford government. The land is protected for a reason and the complete lack of consideration for environmental protections is appalling

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The Ford Government said "The people have spoken - we won't touch the Greenbelt." This aligns with a 2013 poll that says 90 per cent of Ontarians support the Greenbelt. Lire davantage

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The greenbelt provides essential greenspace for many people in the GTA who do not otherwise have access to greenspace. I believe instead of focusing on urban sprawl, we need to focus on more efficient density. Lire davantage

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I am very concerned about the plans to develop on the Greenbelt. I am concerned about the effect it will have on this sensitive area in regards to flooding risk, which will increase due to the climate crisis. I am also concerned about the effect on prime agricultural land. Lire davantage

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This is absolutely appalling that it is even being considered as an option to develop the green belt when the conservative government promised that they wouldn't. Lire davantage

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I am writing to you to express my concern for Bill 23. From what I understand, this means an 80% tax increase on properties which is an egregious overstep taken by the provincial government. Lire davantage

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I am strongly opposed to the suggested changes to the Greenbelt! Everyone I have talked to in Ontario is also extremely shocked by this plan. The Greenbelt is essential for protecting a plethora of species and habitats. Lire davantage

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Although there is a need for housing in Ontario, the green belt is just as important and needs to be preserved and respected by the people of Ontario & beyond. The people of Ontario need the green belt for their physical & mental well being. Nature needs to be preserved. Stop already!!

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The Greenbelt is protected land and was protected for a reason. It should not be developed. We need these lands to provide ecological services like flood protection and carbon sequestration that will be increasingly necessary as the climate crisis worsens. Lire davantage