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These lands are vital for biodiversity, and should not be used for development. The science is clear. The people are speaking. Do not let our future fall into the hands of a corrupt few. Make the right decision.

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Please do not proceed with any changes to the greenbelt. We need to preserve these lands as originally committed to and provide increased housing options without breaking this commitment. Lire davantage

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I live in Stoney Creek, Ontario. I am appalled at this government’s decision to disregard community input and remove multiple plots of land from Greenbelt protections. Lire davantage

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We are in a climate crisis. This government promised the Greenbelt would be left untouched. This government has no mandate to develop the Greenbelt. This action is undemocratic. Lire davantage

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The proposal to develop the Greenbelt is a blatant attempt to enrich a small group of developers at the cost of our ecological future. A decision of this magnitude should have been an election issue.

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The undemocratic manner in which Premier Ford moved this bill forward, the guise of affordable housing that it purports, and the future impacts to our environment (and its stewards) wherein our children and grandchildren will live or die - all of these should be nails in the Premier's leadership cof Lire davantage

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I am strongly apposed to the Passing of having development on the greenbelt. The protection and preservation of the greenbelt has been kept for a reason, if we pass this, this will give more way to continue to develop on the greenbelt. Lire davantage

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I am very passionately against any paving over of greenbelt land. If any changes need to be done, we need to be creating MORE untouched spaces. We are in a biodiversity crisis and any action that destroys habitat is a big part of the problem. Please protect these very important spaces.

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It is unconscionable that this government would move to remove designated protected lands to benefit developers, without consideration for vertical development for housing rather than encouraging continued urban sprawl. Lire davantage

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As Ontario citizens, we have many concerns with the proposal to weaken protections and remove lands from the Greenbelt. We do not think these amendments should proceed. Lire davantage