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What does this new proposed green belt change do to our property taxes? They’re already astronomical as is. I can only imagine this kind of rapid change will increase property tax at a rate that will be ridiculous. Not to mention how horrendously dismissive of the impact on the environment this is. Lire davantage

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We've seen it before and here it is again: “The Ford government must do the right thing and put the interest of regular Ontarians ahead of his buddies and the interests of multi-billion dollar corporations.” The environmental cost is not being considered and it's going to cost Ontarian's dearly.

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As a citizen of Ontario, I strongly disagree with this proposed amendment. We need our protected Greenbelt more than ever and there will always be alternate solutions to the reason for your proposal. Lire davantage

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Corruption corruption corruption! All members of parliament (including premier Doug Ford) involved in the development of protected lands in the Greenbelt should be arrested and thrown in jail for corruption and the willful desecration of the environment. Lire davantage

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It took years to get greenbelt designation for these areas, only to see them wiped out by short sightedness. To say it is for affordable housing is an oxymoron. Subdivisions are not affordable. The cost of putting utilities in place is astronomical. Lire davantage

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Real conservatives care about preserving rural ways of life, which includes conserving the environment. I’m tired of our land being paved over to make way for more liberal subdivisions. The cities are eating away at Canada. -GenZ conservative

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Since even before the time of John Cabot, Canada's natural environment has played a defining role in shaping the nation's identity. We see the land reflected in our flag, our symbols, and our national myths. Lire davantage

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I disagree with opening or changing the existing plan. I live in Mimico- one of the fastest developing areas. Condos are everywhere but still built as a commodity and not to make livable neighbourhoods. Nearby towns and cities are no better, where you have to drive everywhere. Lire davantage

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This is obviously a poorly thought out plan with a monumental amount of risk and downside, with implications on taxes, farmland, sustainability, etc. all the while presenting very little benefit to anyone besides those who currently own this land.

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I find this plan to be extremely distressing and indicative of disregard for the health and well-being of the people of this province and the land we need to feed and hydrate us. Lire davantage