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This abuse and removal of the vital greenbelt is a very short sighted and misled strategy. We cannot easily replace Greenspace that feeds our province. I do not support this action that favours builders and ignores the vital food support system for Ontario.

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I DO NOT support building on the green belt. Building on the Greenbelt will only harm the environment, kill protected and endangered species, cause flooding, cause more traffic congestion and more emissions from these vehicles. Lire davantage

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I am writing to express my strong opposition to the proposed amendments to the Greenbelt Act. These lands were to be protected from development to preserve their ecological and cultural integrity. Lire davantage

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Please stop construction on our greenspaces, greenbelt lands and all conservation properties. This type of housing does not address the housing shortage. A promise made by Ontario Conservatives in 1946 and affirmed in September of 2022. Keep your word.

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- Ford is breaking his promise not to touch the green belt. - It is suspect that major developers purchased all that "protected land" even though they couldn't build on it ahead of Ford's push to open the green belt. Lire davantage

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The proposal to consume Greenbelt land for housing is short sighted and does not address the need for both housing and consideration of the critical need for green space that the Greenbelt provides. Lire davantage

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I strongly oppose the opening of protected land in the Province’s Greenbelt to housing development, for the following reasons: 1. The Greenbelt deserves to be preserved to connect forest and wetland ecosystems which are otherwise disappearing in Ontario. Lire davantage

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Why I’m against development in the greenbelt. There are indingeous territory on the greenbelt. Building more and more houses on it would destroy their homes We have to preserve the wildlife and the clean fresh water on the greenbelt Lire davantage