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For one, The Greenbelt should be considered a matter of national security. We should not squander the best farming land that we have in Canada. With global supply chains increasingly becoming strained, it could be a mistake to remove this productive land from our dwindling supply. Lire davantage

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I am opposed to the proposed amendments to the Greenbelt plan. The land swap proposed will significantly negatively impact the sensitive environments of the oak ridge moraine. Lire davantage

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Please reconsider this disastrous policy - Bill 23 will hurt the environment and the citizens of Ontario. I am completely opposed to the bill and appropriating our green belt for development, it is unnecessary and harmful. Stop it. Lire davantage

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Dear Environmental Registry Committee, As a concerned Ontario resident, I am extremely concerned about the proposed Highway 413. People don't need or want this highway. The money should be spent on services that the public actually needs instead, such as healthcare. Lire davantage

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To whom this may concern, I am a grade 8 student at A.R.Kaufman Public School who is concerned for the future of the Greenbelt. The Greenbelt is covered with multiple first nations treaties, Lire davantage

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Our family strenuously objects to Bill 23 and all suggested new development of protected Greenbelt lands. We also do not want to have the province to have powers to meddle in the municipal plans to over-ride locally elected representatives who want to preserve the Greenbelt lands. Lire davantage

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I strongly disagree with the More Homes Built Faster Act – Bill 23 using part of the Greenbelt. The Greenbelt was designed to be a cohesive area that should be left intact and not sold off to developers to build homes. Lire davantage

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This destruction of the greenbelt is flagrant corruption, an abrupt reversal of promises made over recent years, and ecological destruction. Even aside from that, increasing density rather than sprawl is table stakes for a habitable planet. Lire davantage

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I am proud of Ontario's Greenbelt. Over the past 13 years, I have volunteered thousands of hours to helping the Bruce Trail Conservancy pursue its mission of preserving a ribbon of wilderness along the Niagara Escarpment for everyone, forever. I am passionate about preserving our environment. Lire davantage

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I strongly oppose Bill 23. The Greenbelt contains unique and ecologically important natural areas that deserve protection. Premier Ford, please do not break your promise to protect this area. Lire davantage

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I, along with dozens of geography students here in Ontario, do NOT support the proposed changes to the Greenbelt Plan that would remove or redesignate 15 areas of land. This plan ONLY stands to put money into the pockets of wealthy developers. Once you build on the land, we CANNOT get it back. Lire davantage

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This a bone head plan which will only benefit developers. This action and the proposed Bradford bypass are detrimental to the environment. Besides Ford promised during the last election not to touch the Greenbelt. This was the same as the buck a beer pledge.

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I am an Ontario resident and this move is not only sneaky it is in direct conflict with our environmental goals for Canada. I support housing priorities. It CANNOT come at the cost of environmental protection. I strongly oppose this bill 23 and call for it to be rescinded.

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City of Pickering

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The removal of the Duffins-Rouge Agricultural Preserve lands from the Greenbelt is supported. This will allow the implementation of an urban area boundary expansion on these lands. This is consistent with Pickering Council’s adoption of Amendment 13 to the Pickering Official Plan in 2004, which Lire davantage

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Hi, I am a grade 8 student at A.R Kaufman public school. I have a few concerns regarding the development of the greenbelt. The greenbelt is a great recreational area, a home for many animals and a great way to preserve our environment. Lire davantage