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There are so many reasons why this is a horrible idea for the citizens of Ontario (for whom Doug Ford claims to have in his best interests - what a crock!): -it will devastate our agriculture and grocery prices are already at an all-time high -it will be awful for the environment Lire davantage

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Accommodate any growth and support by building more homes on Grennbelt land is literally obscene in this day and age. To fail to find 7,400 acres which is not in the Greenbelt to develop is poor planning or it kowtows to the interest of developers. Lire davantage

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The attached letter is an objection to include 5285 Trafalgar Rd within the Greenbelt. We request, on behalf of our client, that the province exclude the subject property from the Greenbelt Inclusion. Please provide reference number for our submission. This submission is on behalf of our client Ms. Lire davantage

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PLEASE think of the children and young adults in today’s world. Save our greenspace and build only on residential land….. we are forfeiting our future and that of our children by sacrificing important land which should be used for growing food to feed all these new Ontarians. Lire davantage

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I wish to voice, in the strongest possible terms, my opposition to de-protection and development of Greenbelt lands. The Greenbelt was meant to be protected in perpetuity so that there would be farmland and clean water in proximity to Toronto and the rest of the Greater Golden Horseshoe. Lire davantage

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The attached letter is an objection to include 343 Blue Lake Road located near St. George within the Greenbelt Boundary. We request, on behalf of our client, that the Ministry confirm that the subject site is excluded from the Greenbelt Inclusion. Lire davantage

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I am completely against bill 23 and its proposed changes to the greenbelt. The amount of land already designated for development within existing municipal settlement boundaries far exceeds what is needed to meet long-range housing targets. This is from Lire davantage

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What kind of earth will we be leaving for our children if a portion of nature can not remain protected as sacred and unscathed. Please, I beg of you to stop putting economic interests always ahead of the environment. Ford - you are also going back on your promise!

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I am writing to express my vehement opposition to the development of the Greenbelt and Bill 23. I was pleasantly surprised over the past two years by the Progressive Conservatives’ handling of the COVID – 19 pandemic. Lire davantage

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Bill 23 must be repealed. The Greenbelt is far too valuable of a resource to develop. There are many more options for how to provide housing. Once it is developed, we will never get it back.

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Please don’t touch the Greenbelt. We need as much green land as possible to combat the growing climate change crisis. There are many other ways to build the homes we need without sacrificing this land.

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Simply, sprawl does not address Ontario's growing housing emergency, and opening up the greenbelt will lead to increased food insecurity and contribute to continued rising costs of living. Lire davantage

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am writing to express my strong opposition to the proposal to remove 7,400 acres from the Greenbelt (ERO #019-6216 and #019-6217). I do not accept the government’s misleading premise that these Greenbelt lands are needed for housing. Lire davantage

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Issue #1. The Ford government was elected with a promise from Doug Ford himself that he had listened to the people and he was not going to touch the Greenbelt. He has misled (lied?) To the people of Ontario to get elected, and on moral grounds the Greenbelt should not be touched. Lire davantage

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This is NOT a good idea and is not something that should be allowed to pass. I did not vote for Doug Ford for the simple reason that he does nothing to protect our environmental rights. Lire davantage