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Total waste of money, will make roads more unsafe and will do nothing for gridlock.

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I can't believe the government is tabling such regressive legislation in 2024. Completly disregarding research, and for what? Brownie points from drivers who might vote for you because there us no research to back up your claims apart from the feelings of a few people? Lire davantage

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Removing bike lanes on main streets is possibly the worst thing we can do in specifically Toronto today. 1- It discourages people from biking to commute or run errands which causes an increase in green house gas emissions. Lire davantage

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Hi, this comment is about the bike lanes in Toronto. As we all know the Ontario government has decided to eliminate some bike lanes. This is an overreach and they are ignoring the municipal government and the residents. Eliminating bike lanes won't solve traffic problems. Lire davantage

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To whom it may concern, My wife commutes from Easy York to downtown Toronto. Regularly she uses the bicycle lanes that have been recently installed along Bloor St. My children went to daycare at University and College, again, we used the bike lanes daily to bring them to and from. Lire davantage

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Bad idea. Don't do it. Vote NO. Bill 212 is bad for: - safety - drivers - cyclists - pedestrians - businesses - health - traffic gridlock / car congestion - time spent in traffic - fiscal responsibility - transportation needs - municipalities - Torontians - Ontarians Lire davantage

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I strongly opposed this change which will incur significant costs while not making any improvements, in fact undoing improved street design. This is an overstep of the province. Please focus efforts on improving public transit, healthcare, and education.

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Bike lanes save lives! This is a distraction from the real challenges in Ontario including a lack of staff to support high needs kids in our schools. Devote this energy and effort to solving actual problems. Don’t remove or block bike lanes in municipalities!

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* I DO NOT SUPPORT THIS BILL * * A step backwards for everybody involved * Lire davantage

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I am against Bill 212 for several reasons. First and foremost, the provincial government is over-reaching into municipal affairs. The city used local taxpayer funds to implement changes to how the roads are shared for different modes of transportation. Lire davantage

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It has been repeatedly proven that adding more car lanes does not actually reduce traffic. Meanwhile, providing more opportunities for people to travel using bikes and/or public transit does reduce traffic. Lire davantage

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This is a matter of City planning. The Provincial Government is overstepping their power to push this through. Lire davantage

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We are in the throes of a climate crisis, and we need to use public transportation, and other means of transportation besides cars bikes are the way in Toronto, not to add to gridlock, but to stop gridlock more lanes of traffic the more cars people have to be educated on both sides, drivers and bike Lire davantage

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As a resident and home owner on Bloor Street West I make use of the bike lane 3 to 4 times a day. I observe the bike lane in regular use by many others, including many parents bringing their children to school and daycare by bike. This continues year-round. Lire davantage

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The real causes of traffic congestion are tow things: Construction and single occupancy vehicles. Having entire lanes blocked for years on end does far more to snarl a city than a bloody bike lane. Lire davantage

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I live downtown, because of the bike lines I can easily move without a car while feeling safe, If adding bike lines gets blocked and even worse removing the most important ones on Bloor, University & Younge goes through, I would be forced to not only bike less but probably get a car for my day to da Lire davantage

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I have found the design of the bike lanes to be quite dangerous for cyclists. On Bloor, which is the route I am sometimes driving, you cannot see if a cyclist or - worse - an ebike barreling along at 30 km/hrs is approaching while you are trying to turn right onto a side street. Why? Lire davantage

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How are rural/suburbanite Ontarians going to visit cities or commute in the future after this legislation causes more local car traffic to congest and slow down roads in cities like Toronto due to more local people driving when there's a lack of access to safe cycling infrastructure, public transpor Lire davantage

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This is a COMPLETE waste of money. They will just be put back in by the next government. Leave the bike lanes alone!

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I am very much against this proposed legislation. We need more bike lanes, not fewer and we definitely shouldn’t be tearing out the ones we have. This administration’s contempt for the well being of its people and future is consistently shocking and appalling. Lire davantage