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I'm asking for the goverment to reconsider their position. Removing bike lanes can have several negative consequences, including increased safety risks for cyclists, as these lanes provide dedicated spaces that reduce the likelihood of accidents with vehicles. Lire davantage

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I'm very disappointed I need to express my concerns regarding the proposed introduction of additional bike lane challenges. Removing bike lanes and making new lanes even more difficult to build is insane. Lire davantage

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Do not remove the bike lanes. They are an integral part of keeping bikers safe on roads and for improving traffic congestion. Do not waste taxpayer money on something that will only harm residents and the city. Do not remove the bike lanes.

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Bike lanes are important for reducing interaction between cars and bikes, keeping myself and my children safe. Bikes are affordable and healthy means of transportation. Lire davantage

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As someone who drives the vast majority of the time, I strongly oppose ripping out these bike lanes, especially Bloor and University. Just last month, I biked over 40km (again, I drive most of the time), predominantly using the three routes proposed to be removed. Lire davantage

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This bill, if enacted, would not reduce gridlock, nor would it save you time. (Bike lanes have been studied! There is data. You do not need to trust the word of a politician with a weird personal vendetta against bike lanes.) Do not pass this bill. Thank you.

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Reducing gridlock is a great goal. With a growing population, when everyone drives, one more lane, on any street, is useless. Lire davantage

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There has been multiple studies conducted elsewhere and in Toronto that show bike lanes are essential to reducing traffic jam and gridlock by removing people that would drive and offering them with a safe alternative that also conveniently solves the last mile problem. Lire davantage

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Although I am not a bike commuter and use my car to drive around the city - removing the bike lanes from the proposed streets will turn Toronto into a faceless and an even more polluted city. Lire davantage

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In a growing diverse city as Toronto where new condos are being bult with less and less parking spaces. There needs to be accommodation for multiple modes of travel. In Toronto nothing is a one size fits all. Lire davantage

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Cycling lanes in Toronto and in growing municipalities across Ontario are an essential part to the wellbeing of the population and benefits all. Lire davantage

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Hey, could you guys not make it harder for cyclists to exist? Don't you think vehicles have enough space relative to bicycles? Lire davantage

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I live near downtown Toronto and frequently walk, bike, and take transit on Bloor, Yonge, and University as well as drive. I can say that from a quality of life standpoint it is much easier and safer to travel on all of these modes with these bike lanes installed. Lire davantage

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Honestly, I find it ridiculous that you think the convenience of a select few people should outweigh the safety of cyclists. Bike lanes help reduce congestion by getting people off cars and moving people far more effectively since they don't require as much space. Lire davantage

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This proposal and its subsequent addendum go against literally every shred of empirical, quantitative evidence that exists - collected both in Canada and around the entire planet - that proves without a shadow of a doubt the efficacy of bike lanes not only in reducing traffic congestion, but increas Lire davantage

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This is an ineffective bill that will not solve the gridlock issue. It will increase bureaucracy, needlessly overstep into municipal jurisdiction, and cost tax payers immediately and in the future. Lire davantage

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This bill is entirely about the comfort, the wants of drivers. The driver is not in danger, the driver is not blocked, the driver is merely forced to slow down. Lire davantage

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I would support this if I trusted the provincial government supported city growth and moving people efficiently. Unfortunately I think Doug Ford's plan is backwards moving. Lire davantage

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The measures proposed in this bill could lead to increased reliance on car travel, undermining efforts to promote sustainable transportation alternatives such as public transit, cycling, and walking. Lire davantage