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York Region has designated enough land area to meet your housing targets for the area. They can build higher densities on those lands if need be but by no means should any more greenbelt be opened up for development. Nature provides a buffer for extreme weather. Read more

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Please do not do this! The Greenbelt is protected land. We owe it to everyone, but especially to the Indigenous Peoples who were robbed of this land and future generations of all people residing in Ontario, to protect the Greenbelt and prevent further damage to the environment. Read more

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I am 100% opposed to any building on greenbelt land in Ontario. We should be reducing our immigration targets, especially in ONTARIO, so that we do not need to encroach on our important greenbelt areas. Giving up greenbelt at the expense of housing is wrong!! Read more

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The greenbelt is there for a reason. It protects critical waterways, plant and animal species. It should not be added to ever-expanding city limits. We are in a climate emergency, and your solution is to destroy natural areas. This is contradictory. Read more

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This is an environmentally significant land and it is preposterous to give this away to developers. It is shortsighted and destructive to the environment. GTA is already becoming a concrete jungle and more highways/houses will not solve the problem. Build better transit instead.