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I can not believe that we are considering the greenbelt go to development. It was allocated as a space of natural nature and the morine's rock formation underground that is endless. It was put aside for a reason, so let's leave it as it has been allocated. We need to leave Mother Nature alone! Read more

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The decision to take land out of the greenbelt is supported by myself and all the people who agree that housing and existing community needs are paramount. It is about time that the greenbelt be open for development. We need housing, especially near urban areas. Read more

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The Grreenbelt is essential and must be protected, as Doug Ford promised it would be BEFORE he was elected. There is plenty of other land for housing, including building existing neighbourhoods UP, including in the cities where housing is most needed! Read more

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No, no and no. Even without the part of selling out our land to Doug Fords developer “friends” (which he should be imprisoned for), they should focus building better and more housing in urban areas instead of ruining the Greenbelt with inefficient suburban sprawl

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This proposal to pit affordable housing against environmental protection is a shameless example of "divide and conquer" politics. We need to build much more affordable housing. We need to protect much more green space. But not one at the expense of the other. Nice try! Read more

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Absolutely disgusting. There is no reason to enrich the people who bought this land recently knowing or expecting the Premier to go against the promise he made to Ontario. The Greenbelt should stay as is. There is no reason to increase the sprawl in this province. Read more