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I am deeply concerned by the betrayal of Mr Ford to uphold his previously stated policy of maintaining the Greenbelt but has instead sold out to developers who ,in turn,have donated millions to his party,alias him.This is disgraceful and the negative impact-as the result of greed-will be permanent.

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Why should we go inside the greenbelt? even if we go inside and increase the area of the greenbelt, why didn't they increase it if it was that important? If we go inside the greenbelt and increase it we can’t replace the animals that habitat of that area. The greenbelt provides: Read more

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I feel like the green belt should not add more land because it can mess up the climate and also lots of habitats can be destroyed. If they were also to do this some people would not like it because of the construction near there homes and it would be very noisy. Read more

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Please do not move forward with this. The Greenbelt was protected for a reason and that reason was not to remove it to build houses. Protecting the environment should be out #1 priority. Wetlands are a vital part of the environment. I am another person 100% AGAINST developing the greenbelt.

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I agree we are in a housing crisis, but dismantling environmental and heritage safeguards that have been in place for decades is not the right way for "more homes built faster". Under Ford, Ontario is moving backwards. Why do we have to remove environmental protections to build homes? Read more

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I strongly disagree with the greenbelt being used. I think that there are other ways to accommodate growth. Instead of building a bunch of houses we could build apartments or maybe take down abandoned buildings for more land. We need the greenbelt to grow food and for the animals to survive. Read more

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There are other options. Please DO NOT use the Greenbelt for housing. Our future cannot afford this. PLEASE understand that we are at a critical time in human history and we need all the weapons at our disposal to fight climate change and environmental decline. Read more

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Before any consideration is put towards opening up any space in the greenbelt a heartfelt effort should be made by the province to make use of lands that are currently in built up areas. Infill projects and more density in R1 areas should be the focus. Read more

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Where will it end? Why are we always having to fight to keep green space that is supposedly "protected". It is way too easy in this Country for developers to just decide to overturn a natural landscape, and far more difficult to rectify that after the damage has been done. Read more