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I'm writing to express my tremendous concerns over Bill 23 and the destruction of the greenbelt in Ontario.  This land is crucial for the future of our province, providing farmland, wetlands, and greenspaces needed for all of us to thrive, including species at risk. Read more

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Bill 23 is detrimental to the present and future population of Ontario. It has been proven that sprawl outside the urban boundaries of Ontario is not necessary, and affordable housing can more easily be achieved with new bylaws and densification and keeping development within existing boundaries. Read more

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Building on the Greenbelt breaks a promise! There is land already designated for housing and that’s the land that should be used. We need the wetlands to help manage water and to continue to perform its other environmental functions such as helping to clean the air of co2. Read more

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I would like to comment on the decision to go forward to support affordable housing utilizing the greenbelt area. I am not in support of this direction. Although I am in support of providing/increasing affordable housing, and it should be a priority. Read more

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I am opposed to the proposal. We need the greenbelt to provide us quality air, an food because there is a lot of farm land. We are already experiencing global warming. We should be protecting the environment not crushing it even more. Our future generations need and deserved quality of life. Read more

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We should all be concerned about the direction this province is going. With respect to the Greenbelt specifically, the conversation shifts from an environmental perspective, to one about ethics and corruption. Our government has become inequitable. Read more

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The Green Belt is sacrosanct. It is so important for our future generations to leave this land as is. I was born and raised in Toronto. It has been disheartening at times to see how my city and surrounding areas have changed. I remember when there was mostly farm land north of hwy 7. Read more

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In 2020, the agri-food sector within the 7,200 square kilometres of Greenbelt generated approximately $4.1 billion in GDP. It provided 59,000 jobs and generated $900 million in farm purchases of goods and services in 2017, according to a Greenbelt Foundation report released in February 2022. Read more