November 5, 2018 Client…

Numéro du REO


Identifiant (ID) du commentaire


Commentaire fait au nom

City of Guelph

Statut du commentaire


November 5, 2018

Client Services and Permissions Branch
135 St. Clair Avenue West
1st Floor Toronto ON
M4V 1P5 Canada

Dear Stephanie DeSousa,

RE: Comments on (EBR #013-3800)

Thank you for the opportunity to comment on the Amendments to the Renewable Energy Approvals Regulation, EBR #013-3800.

Comments from the City of Guelph

The City of Guelph (the City) is seeking innovative approaches to renewing key infrastructure that supports smart growth, the economy and the environmental prosperity of the community. For the City, the Renewable Energy Approvals Regulation helped to enable renewable energy projects that support long-term, sustainable energy production, as well as job creation throughout the province.

Renewable energy sources, such as wind, solar, biogas and hydro, are low carbon alternatives and produce few greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and dramatically reduces the dependence on non-renewable applications and fossil fuels as a source of energy. By further diversifying Ontario’s energy generation with renewable energy creates a more robust energy system with less exposure to commodity price fluctuations.

This regulatory amendment would affect future renewable energy approval applicants and the City’s future energy initiatives. As part of the City’s longer term planning and climate change mitigation efforts, the cancellation of this regulation will greatly impact the City in reaching its 100% renewable energy by 2050 target and the reduction of GHG emissions. As the Province considers its priorities in the development of its new climate change plan, the City of Guelph respectfully asks that the government consider the advancement of renewable energy projects within that plan.

Request for consideration: That renewable energy projects continue to be considered for all cases, including even where electrical demand is currently met, by the Provincial Government as part of the build out of the new climate change plan and the province’s long-term energy planning

Thank you again for the opportunity to comment on this regulatory proposal. As previously identified, the City looks forward to an opportunity to engage with the Provincial Government on the development of the new climate change plan.

Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any questions regarding the City of Guelph’s feedback.