I am so happy to hear that…

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I am so happy to hear that the Government of Ontario wants to support our cycling infrastructure, especially in Northern Ontario. In order to encourage a healthy lifestyle, the government should be developing cycling-friendly infrastructure to promote safe, active transportation. There are certain portions of this route that will still be on major highways though, (such as from Thunder Bay to Sault Ste. Marie to Sudbury). This is a beautiful route, but arguably still not safe for cyclists. I realize it may not be feasible to create an entirely off-road paved option for cyclists on such a long route.

As a resident of The City of Greater Sudbury, I embrace investment into active transportation. Our roads are heavily used for industrial purposes, often difficult or too dangerous to navigate by bicycle safely. Any investment into active transportation in our city will be welcomed, and will help shape the culture and wellbeing of our city.

[Original Comment ID: 209122]