Conserving natural resources…

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Commentaire fait au nom

Niagara Falls Nature Club

Statut du commentaire


Conserving natural resources should be a mandatory program area. This should include engaging the people who live in the watershed through educational programs and stewardship initiatives.

A watershed approach provides better management of lands and water in a region. Conservation authority owned lands are important but they do not encompass enough land area to prevent flooding, protect drinking water and protect biological diversity. Watershed management needs to include lands throughout the watershed. Watershed studies and natural area inventories should be updated as needed.

To carry out their responsibilities, conservation authorities need to be able to rely on financial support from the province and municipalities. Funding what are called mandatory and non-mandatory services differently would politicize the process and prevent conservation authorities from planning ahead.

The Province has the responsibility to invest in mandatory conservation authority programs.

More consultation with conservation authorities, municipalities and other stakeholders should take place before the Conservation Authority Act is amended.