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Commentaire fait au nom

Toronto Ornithological Club

Statut du commentaire


Thank you for the opportunity to comment on the proposed changes to the Provincial Policy Statement (PPS). We, the Toronto Ornithological Club, believe that contrary to the government’s stated intent many of the proposed changes to the PPS will diminish protections for the natural environment and farmland across Ontario. Overall, the proposed changes do not present a balanced approach to land use planning and they unduly favour aggregates extraction and development over other provincial interests, in particular natural heritage and agriculture.
The TOC is one of the oldest birding clubs in Canada established in 1934 and we are committed to the ongoing conservation initiatives of migratory birds in Toronto and the surrounding areas, with a sound basis in contributions to scientific projects and studies.
Achieving the provincial goal of enhancing the quality of life for all Ontarians (PPS Preamble, p.1) requires policy direction that will protect and restore the lands and waters that sustain us and that will direct development to suitable areas. With that goal in mind, our concerns and recommendations are included in the attached letter.