Hello. Lac Seul is a world…



Lac Seul is a world renowned fishery and is still for the most part a pristine and natural environment.
As you travel East away from Ear Falls, you fall into a an environment that has not been blemished or tarnished by mans development.
As we all continue forward in our lives, there are continually less of these regions left in the world.
Further development on Lac Seul would be a tragedy. The impact on wildlife, the fishery and the environment would be damaging.
There are many examples of that with many regions throughout Ontario including Lake of the woods, and in particular Shoal Lake.
The outside impact that many do not consider is the danger of a Trophic Cascade with the reduction of a Predator fish.
In 2018, Ear Falls introduced its first Walleye Derby on Lac Seul. Each Derby, during just 2 days on the water sees approx. 1,200lbs of fish taken out of Lac Seul.
Please do not be fooled by thinking 20 or 30 more cottages on Lac Seul would not cause permanent Damage. If this is approved, and as the years pass, more and more development will continue to be approved on Lac Seul. The lake will not sustain this type of fishing pressure, and the environment will become affected.
Just speak to any Camp owner who has been on the lake for over 20 years. They will tell you just how easy it was 20 years ago to catch multiple 8 pounders in one day, but not any more.

All of this for one reason, Tax Dollars.

Is nothing sacred anymore?