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I think this is a great opportunity to allow towns to access untapped land for taxation and growth.

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On behalf of the Municipality of Red Lake, we fully support the Ear Falls submission as it pertains to cottage lot development on Crown Lands. Lire davantage

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It is important that small town Canada be given the tools that will allow them to succeed without always looking for govt subsidies or grants . Living in the north we know how precious our resources are and the need to properly manage such. Lire davantage

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The town has dozens of empty lots as it is. The waters around Ear Falls have culturally sensitive areas. I believe this proposal must be shut down. It is way to vague.

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Im sure this will be a tremendous opportunity for the entire area. It will draw more people in from southern Ontario and Manitoba as well as the United States. Lakefront property can never be a bad opportunity.

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I think that this is a great idea to develop the north and help small towns out by increasing the tax base. Lire davantage

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Hello. Lac Seul is a world renowned fishery and is still for the most part a pristine and natural environment. As you travel East away from Ear Falls, you fall into a an environment that has not been blemished or tarnished by mans development. Lire davantage

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This opportunity would be great for our Township to increase population and an increase to our tax base. Please consider this opportunity for our community.

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I would like to express my 100% support for the Minor Amendment to the Red Lake and Lac Suel General Use Areas to allow for the disposition of Crown Lands for Cottaging in the Township of Ear Falls. We need an increased tax base in order for our Township to survive.

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I think this is a good idea for Ear Falls since it would allow us to get more details about what the town wants to do about developing cottage lots. Lire davantage

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This proposal should be approved. It will help the community have more houses, more tax assessment and will help to make the community a more affordable place to live. Lire davantage

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Goose Bay Camps

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Thank you for the opportunity to voice opposition to the proposal to amend area specific Crown land use policies for Lac Seul General Use Area ( G2518) and Red Lake General Use Area (G2514) to allow potential sale of Crown land for the purpose of cottage lot development within the boundaries of the Lire davantage

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Lac Seul Advisory Committee

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Please be advised that the Lac Seul Advisory Committee is in strict opposition to this request for a Minor Amendment to allow the MNR to consider the sale of Crown land. Lire davantage

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Regarding Crown Land Use amendment to the Red Lake, ID G2514, and Lac Seul, G2518, General Use. Allowing for the disposition of Crown Lands for cottaging in the Town Ship of Ear Falls. ERO#019-1099 Lire davantage

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Regarding Crown Land Use amendment to the Red Lake, ID G2514, and Lac Seul, G2518, General Use. Allowing for the disposition of Crown Lands for cottaging in the Town Ship of Ear Falls. ERO#019-1099 Lire davantage

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I think this change would be good for Ear Falls since it will probably increase available waterfront property development within the municipal boundary. Further public input is required for a specific site, which will make sure that everyone has the chance to review the details of a project. Lire davantage

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Ear Falls Community and Economic Development Committee

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The Ear Falls Community and Economic Development Committee (CEDC) wishes to extend its support to the Minor Amendment to the Red Lake and Lac Seul General Use Areas to allow for the disposition of Crown Lands for cottaging in the Township of Ear Falls. Lire davantage