There is no justification…

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There is no justification for ending life in cold blood. Self-defence is not in cold blood, but hunting is. At this point, aware of the lack of humaneness and wisdom shown by some people - both politicians desperate to get re-elected and individuals happy to handle a gun against a defenceless animal - my only hope is that there is karma and it will hit them the same way.

People are known for ruining the natural balance. I lived in a country where at some point, a stupid government decided that wolves were not "economically" necessary while posing a danger - once in a blue moon - to isolated farms. So, the decision was made to hunt them down. The result: the wildlife in that country degenerated as there were no wolves to naturally preserve the quality of wildlife by hunting the week specimens. Later on, they realized how stupid that decision had been and rescinded but it took years to restore wildlife balance. Let us allow nature to do its job.