Why must there be a bear…

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Why must there be a bear hunt at all ? No one is hunting for food, merely the bloodlust.
Declining populations from man's interference ie; destruction of habitat, is bad enough without murdering bears, worse; bears that have young cubs, leaving orphans to starve to death.
Baiting is absolutely inhumane yet, how many still do it because they know, they can get away with this abhorrent practice, with no repercussions.
Tourism dollars seem to matter far more than ethics. Bring in those offshore bucks.... sadly, at any cost to the environment.
Chief Dan George said "If you talk with the animals, they will talk with you, and you will know each other. If you do not talk with them, you will not know them and what you do not know, you fear. When one fears, one destroys". Unfortunately, he was correct and mankind is not so slowly wiping out precious flora and fauna in the fragile ecosystems and environment in this great province of Ontario.