Please do not allow a spring…

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Please do not allow a spring Bear Hunt. During the spring there are Female bears with very young cubs. They send the cubs up in the trees to hide while they forage for food. If they are killed, because the hunter doesn't see the cubs, this leaves the cubs orphaned and unable to fend for themselves. If they are not rescued they will die.

If you must have a Bear hunt in the spring please limit it to June 1 - June 30 without the use of baiting. Please give the bears a chance to survive against the barbaric practice of trophy hunting. Hunting with dogs should be banned as well.

If hunts are to continue - Females with cubs must be “truly and completely” protected in both the Spring and Fall hunts. This province needs more Conservation Officers to protect our wildlife from unfair hunting practices and poaching.

Human/bear conflicts are not caused by the bears themselves but by people not managing their waste properly. Bears are essentially lazy and go for the easy food source of human garbage. And the bear ends up paying the price for the lazy humans.

Trophy Hunting is a cruel activity and should be abolished.