Response to question #1 -…

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Commentaire fait au nom

Corporation of the Municipality of Dutton Dunwich

Statut du commentaire


Response to question #1
- OMAFRA should look to develop protocols similar to the DART protocol for Ontario Species at Risk which is currently administered by the MOECC, and provide MOECC with the funds and staff to administer the programs mandated to them.
- OMAFRA should look to develop relationships with the Canadian Department of Fisheries and Oceans to streamline the authorization process as well, especially when request for reviews are required for the installation of simple industry standards erosion control structures in open drains.

Response to question #2
- Allow for the installation of engineered rock shoots and other erosion control structures in open ditches to repair eroded banks when they have not been specified in the report, and that they be eligible for Grant if they meet ADIP policies. Possibly create a policy for assessing the construction cost and future maintenance of the structure.
- Allow for the installation of additional catch basins in a municipal drain on private property at the landowners' expense, with the approval of an engineer. For future maintenance, the catch basins, if approved, would become part of the drain for assessment purposes.

Response to question #4
-Required (possibly legislated) timely response from all Ontario government agencies with regards to municipal drain design, construction and maintenance which includes but is not limited to, MTO, MOECC, and MNRF. The projects should be reviewed, and if involvement is not required from these agencies, municipalities should receive a response stating that as well (in a timely manner).
- That OMAFRA be given the funds and staff to be able to administer the Drainage program in a timely manner. Reduce the wait times from the submission of a grant application to review, processing and paying municipalities. (there are instances where wait times have been in excess of 12 months from time of submission)
- Provide the Clerk of the municipality the legal ability to do simple re-apportionments of assessment when only 2 or 3 properties are involved and the value of the change is under a certain value. If it is deemed advisable, provide for a formula that could be used for that process and provide the same property owner appeal rights already provided for in Section 65(11) of the Drainage Act.
- Allow for a streamlined process in an instance where a tile drain is required to be relocated for development purposes completely on the developers lands and at the developer's expense. Require that the municipal engineer either design or review the design of the developer's engineer. Investigate methods to reduce legislated time periods for a project that is developer drive with respect to the adoption and final passing of the by-law - provided that all environmental approvals have been obtained and the engineer has determined that the change does not negatively affect upstream or downstream lands.
Thank you.