I am pleased to see that the…

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I am pleased to see that the Ontario government is proposing regulatory changes for the management of water takings to protect long-term sustainability of surface water and groundwater. At the same time, I believe these proposed regulations need to be strengthened.
The government proposes to require water bottling companies to have the support of their host municipalities for new and increasing bottled water takings, with an exemption for small businesses. This should include existing permits or renewals. Furthermore, municipalities can only say “no” only within narrow terms set by the Province and this does not guarantee a failed permit. This regulation needs to be strengthened so that community support is needed for permits under 379,000 litres of water per day. Furthermore, shared governance with Indigenous nations must be a requirement and the government should explain in much greater detail what it means when it commits to consulting with Indigenous communities.
In establishing priorities of water use to guide water taking in Ontario, I urge you to acknowledge that bottled water is a non-essential use of shared waters with has many negative ecological and health impacts. This should never be a priority.
Water sustainability should be of concern across the entire Province because water is essential for life and livelihoods. Moreover, water data and the capacity to understand it should be a priority and be based on watersheds not just political boundaries. The data on how much money the province collects from water permits and how this money is spent should also be made transparent.
Thank you for your consideration of these concerns