ERO number 019-1680 -…

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Niagara Falls Nature Club

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ERO number 019-1680 - Amendment concerning Mineral Aggregate Operations
Members of the Niagara Falls Nature Club are concerned that allowing aggregate extraction in natural areas that are the habitats of threatened and endangered species will further degrade Ontario’s biodiversity.
Rather than lose more of our valuable natural land to pits and quarries, Ontario should investigate further recycling of aggregate.
A wise growth plan would make a large increase in aggregate extraction unnecessary. Encouraging infill development instead of allowing development outside of built-up areas would limit the maintenance liability of government having more infrastructure than they can afford to repair.
Please consider the long-term health of Ontario’s economy and the quality of life of Ontario’s residents. Thriving eco-systems and a well-protected Natural Heritage System will increase Ontario’s resilience to climate change and to future zoonotic epidemics.

ERO 019 – 1679 – Changes to the Growth Plan for the Greater Golden Horseshoe – Land Needs Assessment Methodology
This amendment to the growth plan changes the methodology of population and employment forecasts in order to accommodate growth in residential subdivisions, roads and other developments at the expense of our natural environment. The methodology used is geared to show the highest need for municipalities to make lands available for development.
Unrestrained growth will adversely impact Ontario residents. Continual growth cannot support an economy forever and, in the meantime, the quality of Ontario’s air, soil, water and natural heritage will degrade as will our quality of life.