I have reviewed the scope of…

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I have reviewed the scope of the current Plan for updating Ontario's Water Quantity Management Framework. The thrust of the consideration seems to aimed at Water Bottling and it's effects on water supply. With respect, this enquiry seems to be unduly restricted, and specifically reactive to the public outcry to Nestle's water drawing activities in Aberfoyle. It comes too late regarding that issue as the horse has already left the starting gate, the permit has been issued and the water drawn, all for nothing more than corporate profit.

A concern of even greater importance is the exponential growth of the growing of Hemp and Cannabis in Ontario. This is done under the guise of Agriculture, however the science to date shows no human benefit from these products. There is substantial harm flowing from these activities: health (odour, light and noise pollution), social (increased criminal activity nearby, use of itinerant farm workers, negative impact of food production due to loss of farmland, increased prices for agricultural land, and competition for farm labour), environmental (air quality, water quantity and quality, climate change due to the effects of mono cropping rather than crop rotation) , and of great concern to this enquiry, the related water requirement and run off issues which arise from this extremely thirsty crop, both greenhouse grown and outdoor.

I refer to a project in my neighbourhood, located at 918 Line 3 South , Oro-Medonte, Ontario, by way of example. It is located virtually with the boundaries of an historic settlement area know as Shanty Bay. I as a nearby neighbour on a well have been given notice of an application to draw water at the rate of 200 gallons per minute, by Medical Saints Ltd. ( quite the euphemistic name). This is from each of two of the 5 existing drilled wells on the property. The other 3 wells are "self monitoring wells" however we in the village distrust how accurate the monitoring is. The operation is up and running and most of the 250 acres of outdoor hemp is now planted and irrigated. The 400 foot, by 400 foot reservoir has been at least partially filled for months, and irrigation is under way. The Hydrogeologist conducting the test for Golder Associates Ltd. has indicated that it is not part of their retainer to monitor the water-taking that has gone on upon the property previously. We do know that this project has proceeded without first obtaining proper permits and approvals as required by our township, but only after the fact once action has been taken. It was commenced in the township at a time when all growth processing of hemp or cannabis was prohibited under our interim control by-law. It is located in an area zoned agricultural, and our new zoning by-law requires that it be located in an industrial or economic development area more suitable to properly control the nature of the development.

The application is, once the math is done, for approximately 2.3 million litres per day. This is more than two-thirds of that for which Nestle was licensed in Aberfoyle. The project is located on a well head protection area, and an area which has been identified as sensitive. This is the source of water for the entire village, through private wells, and municipal water supply. It has the potential to be severely impacted by this water taking. Some municipalities have required alternate water sources, such as rainwater to provide water for these water hungry crops.

There is constant run-off from this location, which goes into a small stream, and directly in to Lake Simcoe. This lake is extremely important, not only to the residents who enjoy it, but to all of Southern Ontario. There has been a recent Provincial grant to preserve the health of this lake, which at times has been threatened. I submit, permitting this volume (or any volume of water taking beyond the 50,000 litres per day as permitted as of right) represents a real danger to the health of the lake and all that rely on it.

A significant amount of mature hardwood bush was completely destroyed to accommodate the fencing and roads around the perimeter of the property. Trees are the lungs of the earth, and have been sacrificed to accommodate nothing more than a profit making venture, at a tremendous cost to the environment which this Ministry purports to protect.

There have been demonstrated shortages of water in other area, related to water taking for such undertakings as this, that has compromised the ability of municipalities to provide sufficient water for their population.

Whether you believe that humans evolved from life in the water, or not , it is an incontrovertible fact that water is the basic component of all life on this planet. Availability of water is a basic human right. Without water all life will cease, even more quickly than the absence of food. Now is an opportunity to make good solid legislation to protect This basic right of all Ontarians, and to ensure that this valuable and non-renewable resource is protected now and for future generations.

Please note, I have purposefully omitted personal identification as my property is very close to the subject property, and there are known criminal connections associated with its development.