Falconry may be an important…

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Falconry may be an important part of the cultural heritage of some old world countries in Europe and the Middle East, but I don't think it has ever been so in Canada. it appears to me that the licensed falconers are trying to get their hunting birds free of charge rather than paying for a bird from a breeder. I also don't think it's ethical to be capturing wildlife purely for the personal enjoyment of hunters. I thought MNRF had a mandate to protect Ontario's wildlife, not allow them to be taken from the wild. I seriously doubt that many of the wild raptors that would be returned to the wild after they have been used for a season would be capable of surviving on their own. By permitting this unnecessary harvest MNRF is elevating the mortality rate of birds of prey probably by 25% or more when you consider that most clutches consist of only three or four in the target species.
Finally what's with adding goshawk (even though it's only 5 birds)? I thought they were considered species at risk and protected under the Migratory Birds Act. Their habitat is declining with urban sprawl as it is. Why add to their decline?
I firmly believe this capture of wild raptors, not for scientific or conservation purposes, but solely for recreational purposes is misguided and just plain wrong. This whole program should be abolished in my opinion.