While I recognize the…

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While I recognize the proposed changes are a result of the review completed by the Housing Task Force, I believe there needs to be more detail outlining the manner in which refunds are applicable. Section 69 of the Planning Act enables a municipality to impose fees with respect to the processing of an application. The Province does not have a standardized fee rate, therefore implementing a refund policy or percentage does not disable a municipality the ability to increase their fees to account for potential revenue loss. If refunds are instated i recommend the following considerations:

1. There should be standardized fees imposed within the act for the various application types to not only be fair to the municipality, but also fair to the developers/residents submitting applications.

2. The Tribunal should use their discretion regarding who should be liable for those fees. As a municipal planner dealing with different agencies, means comments on applications are sometimes the reason for a delayed decision by Council. Council, rightfully, will not want to make a decision without the comment from the appropriate agency (Conservation, MTO, MOECP, MRF etc.) and it puts staff in the position of either needing to wait to bring a report forward or the applicant exercising their right to file an appeal to the Tribunal. There is no legislative requirement for other organized bodies/agencies to make a decision within a specified timeline and therefore all liability on a course of action is on the local municipal government. This type of dynamic only makes it more difficult to move through applications as it further creates a "them" versus "us" dynamic whether it be developer/council, developer/staff, council/staff, developer/agency relationship, therefore making hostile situations.