The Greenbelt is in place…

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The Greenbelt is in place for a reason and protects critically important agricultural land, sensitive ecosystems and species at risk and consists of unique and important ecological features that provide ecosystem services for the GTHA and beyond. The "realignment" means the destruction of many of these features and unknown future costs in the absence of these ecosystem features. A few key points:

1) Ontarian's did NOT vote for this in the last election and have been extremely clear that they do not support the destruction or removal of greenbelt land for development or otherwise. This means Ontarian's do not support the bogus attempt to placate them with a false "offset" program. Going against what Ontarian's have voiced begs the question - do we really live in a democracy and who is the Ford government really working for?

2) Destroying sensitive ecological/agricultural land to support housing development is spitting on future generations and is incredibly poor planning. Densify areas with infrastructure to support current residents and newcomers. Using incredibly valuable land requiring expensive infrastructure for a small number of single detached homes that require dependency on vehicles will amount to benefits to developers and the wealthy while pushing costs (environmental and otherwise) onto the vulnerable.

3) I suspect this policy will go forward regardless of the outcry because the current conservative government does not listen to the residents of Ontario (the majority of Ontarian's voted for progressive policies including NOT building highway 413 in the last election). When this goes through, an accounting of profits should be made public so Ontarian's can see who is profiting off of Ontario's loss of green space.

I and many around me are absolutely outraged at this conservative government once again going against what the majority of Ontarian's have voiced. Do not touch the greenbelt. Do not open up greenbelt lands for development. Do not develop ridiculous "offset programs". Leave the greenbelt alone.