NO To expanding into…

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NO To expanding into Hamilton's greenbelt!

I am a resident of East Hamilton/Stoney Creek, and I do not support Premier Ford's move to expand into the greenbelt around Hamilton. The municipal council listened to Hamiltonians in 2021, and voted against it!

What Hamilton needs is to build up, and within, revitalize our city! There are vacant lots upon vacant lots, along Kenilworth, along Barton, along Burlington, within the downtown core, and with all the unused industry land that the city was in the process of developing. We have the space within.

Expanding into the greenbelt simply hands over on a silver platter our farm land, while we are in a food cost crisis, to developers who will further the unrealistic home costs, while lining their pockets and not helping in the housing crisis. What are brand new homes with no services, no transit in the middle of farmland going to do to help newly landed immigrants who need community and services to succeed!?

The cost of setting up infrastructure and water/power/sewer services to these new homes is a huge waste of money that could be spent on developing multi-use housing, low rise apartments, helping our city thrive and grow within. We have the land within Hamilton, Let's Use It!

Hamilton needs transit, Hamilton needs an LRT, Hamilton needs infrastructure upgrades and to build density, to further our shops, businesses, and community. Not adding to urban sprawl and air pollution and increased cars on the roads in and around our city. Currently the GO train barely services Hamilton, commuters have to take GO busses (currently on strike!) to take the train from Burlington. The average driving commute to Toronto from Hamilton at 8 am is 2 1/2 hrs (one way)!!! Increasingly urban sprawl without increasing transit and services, which there is no mention of in this plan, is only going to make things worse.

Please tell Doug Ford that Hamilton and the surrounding areas DO NOT support expanding into the greenbelt. We want to revitalize our inner core, expand up and within!