I am disappointed in the…

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I am disappointed in the shortsighted, naive and ignorant suggestion to reduce the protection of the Greenbelt for development. I understand very well that we need housing and affordable housing and populations are growing and all of those facts and arguments. However, this should not be done to the detriment and irreversible damage to the Greenbelt. They should be protecting what is already protected and adding the new land that was suggested and build new homes elsewhere. Not reducing what is protected and trying to justify it by adding other land.
If the ecosystem services of the Greenbelt were properly considered and calculated it would be blatantly obvious that if anything we need MORE Greenbelt, not less. We need more well thought out housing - in realistic and reasonable sizes that are actually affordable to the average person or family. Housing should be built up not out, built near public transportation, utilizing space better and more efficiently. Conservation Authorities and these land use plans (Niagara Escarpment, Greenbelt and Oak Ridges Moraine) were made for a reason and we have history and research to remind us of some of essential, indisputed reasons for having green spaces and preserving (and increasing) what little green space is left in the Greenbelt area. Building sprawling, isolated subdivisions and unnecessary giant highways is not the solution or the direction we should be heading.
Please consider the ecosystem services in all decisions. Climate change impacts are only going to get worse and green spaces are one of the best ways to address and minimize those potential impacts.
Please think long term and holistically - this is about much more than just needing more housing for the increase in immigration over the next 10 years. Consider the next few generations, where society is moving, what we are expecting with climate change, what we know of ecosystem services, our responsibilities to nature, not repeating past mistakes, learning from our pasts, etc.
This is a mistake and a slippery slope to consider.